In Response to Re: ******NOVEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD******* : Excellent stuff. Any thoughts about going back to NL20?? Posted by PiAnOpLaYa
Cheers , yh I could go back now but want to get to over £500 before I try again as I felt some decisions were being influenced by BR last time which is never good in cash. NL20 would help a lot if only for the points your able to get.
Always hate going into a session off a mega one like earlier as you're never gonna top it but tbh I'd have been happy with break even, luckily got just over that so I'll take it. Only one losing pot over 20bbs but quite a biggie, limp, limp I raise big w/AA, 2 calls I bet flop get snap called, turn brings Ac 3rd club I bet strong he calls, I shove brick river he calls w/flush Did have a few good wining hands to turn it around, main one being QQ raise pre Q88 flop I cbet as I always would get check raised (£££ signs ringing), I flat, he checks turn I bet he shoves I call he has 87 and misses
In Response to Re: ******NOVEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD******* : Only played 1 PLO8 and the OHL2 tourneys, never got anything going and while I had a few good hands they were few and far between. I hope I run good next week as OHL2 is about the only chance for me to play in a live event, and I would really like to have that experience. 0 cashes out of 3, daily balance -£6.60, MTD balance +£36.07. Posted by Giant811
Didn't play yesterday and only 2 today and I've already had enough. First flopped house loses to a turned bigger house, then I flop a huge wrap and hit the 3rd nut backdoor flush only for the villain to have the nut flush. Can't wait for me coolering everyone else all the time, after all variance will even out. Not holding my breath.
0 cashes out of 2, daily balance -£8.80, MTD balance +£27.27.
better session today despite losing a BI to the monster of 85 suited v AA when raised to 10bb pre getting 4 caller hitting trips and going allin. Flush on river!! ended up £4.49 so for month up £15.04, points 596.
Don't know what it is about afternoon sessions but people just really like setting fire to money, I guess it's also due to me playing alot more NL8 lately (currently in love with the level) as at NL10 you have the same 6-8 players who play each other on 5 tables just passing blinds so funny lol
Anyway just 3 losing pots over 20bbs, 1st K9 in BB see free flop K high I bet 3 streets they have AA, 2nd KJ on btn 5x R get 2 flats, bet K83 2 diamonds flop, same turn, check Ace river IP they have AJdd, 3rd against same player who was in the GOD AWFUL PLAYER catorgory even more prestigious then DEAD MONEY NL8, 5x r pre w/AJ after 2 limps 1 call, cbet w/Ahigh called, A turn I bet again river brings flush so make comdedy 2bb bet they call wiv flopped str8
Overall going great now, have reached my highest ever BR since starting and just £17 from trying NL20 again . Also on a side note I'm in the Friday survivor after starting on Monday, more nerveracking bubble play lol.
NL4/NL8/NL10 Hit a few bumps in the road, KKvAA twice - gotta love NL10 - play is so tight Few outdraws, nothing new there ) up - down - up - down - need a bit of run good +£49 C4P 834 Posted by rancid
Table selection ftw , I find sometimes it pays to just cut it out completely and jam NL8.
Also that's some crazy volume getting 2 points per 20 hands, well done.
2 short sessions tonight. 2 "bad beats" - QQ v JJ aipf binked a J on river, QQ v 1010 v AK aipf A on river same guy. way it goes, nothing unusual. clawing back the losses from earlier in the week.
Cheers Dude, some C4P are DYM's/MTT's but yeah might even crack 2000 this month. Still only playing three tables on my laptop, could play six/eight on the pc but I think you lose the feel of the tables. Becomes very robotic - click - click - click Yeah I am finding NL8 plays better than NL10 in general ) But fewer tables = table selection vital
Strange session not massive as got back from gym late, just one of those break even sesh's that actually feels like a big loss but luckily it just 'feels' that way. Only one losing pot over 20bbs, 22 limp UTG everyone else limps, flop 249 I raise minbet then bet turn and river they turn over KK K on the river . 2 decent winning ones but both involved missing out on that chunky river value bet, still, going fine atm.
Start BR - £414.52
Session - -£0.59
Current BR - £482.53
Points - 426
Haven't had a solid losing session in a while but tonight was a good knock on the head to remind what the feel like. 3 decent losing hands over £5, 1st very standard, KK 3bet in SB overcalled by shorty in BB w/A10 flop KQJ nh, next 10's raise from SB against shorty again, A107 flop I bet called, Ace turn I bet called shove K river they show A7 , final JJ 10-hander UTG so I open limp, call small raise from BB 843hhh flop he checks I bet he calls ,Jd turn I bet he calls, 6c river he bets I flat, he shows AQhh I probz call whole lot off but luckily he can't value bet properly I saved £3.
Bad overall but could easily have won all those major hands so can't really complain and still just about in profit for month so simply more plowing to be done. Start BR - £414.52
In Response to Re: ******NOVEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD******* : Didn't play yesterday and only 2 today and I've already had enough. First flopped house loses to a turned bigger house, then I flop a huge wrap and hit the 3rd nut backdoor flush only for the villain to have the nut flush. Can't wait for me coolering everyone else all the time, after all variance will even out. Not holding my breath. 0 cashes out of 2, daily balance -£8.80, MTD balance +£27.27. Posted by Giant811
Scored my first win in about a week in a £3.30 PLO8 and binked a 3rd in the PLO freeroll, so ended the day in profit.
2 cashes out of 8, daily balance +£9.85, MTD balance +£37.12.
Devasting session, oppo always got there with there miracle gutshot on the turn after calling big 3 bets oop with 107, 97 , 68 etc... and then calling big flop bets. Every drunk rec player had my money tonight Could not win a hand, A couple of hands played badly by me but just mostly horrible suck outs ;()
NL4/NL8/NL10 Devasting session, oppo always got there with there miracle gutshot on the turn after calling big 3 bets oop with 107, 97 , 68 etc... and then calling big flop bets. Every drunk rec player had my money tonight Could not win a hand, A couple of hands played badly by me but just mostly horrible suck outs ;() Every dog has there day C4P 996 +£2O Posted by rancid
Can you stay off my NL8 tables in future please ! lol
Started the night playing mtt's. Unlucky in a Primo sat when my QQ lost to 99 aipf, out of 7.15 deepstack due to lack of discipline following a long card dead period, and £1000 gauranteed with AQ vs AK at shoving time.
Switched to cash for a poor session at nl8. Hit nothing big at all, lost 2 1/2 BI's with probably half being bad luck and half being my playing badly. AK losing to 44 when the money went in on an ace high flop and getting four flushed on the river was probably the pick of the beats.
In Response to Re: ******NOVEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD******* : One thing I noticed you doing was making it 24p/3x bb even with a limper already in the pot, seemed a bit risky ? Posted by Dudeskin8
maybe, don't change the fact that my aces have been cracked AIPF five times on the bounce now - shocking bad run
Actually dropped down to NL4 just to handle this bad spell ) See how I go, I am over rolled for NL8 but I know how bad these runs can be
Another tricky night, some bad luck with most big hands getting hardly any action and even flopped a set facing bet and call, raised and they both folded, that kills. 1st losing hand AQ call raise, flop TPGK on AJ8 call flop bet chk turn c/c R 10 they caught str8 KQ. 2nd I bet 2 strts w/TPGK but gave up on river not sure if was right tbh. 3rd again an annoying fold but again unsure, final standard limp I raise w/AJ 2 calls AJ2hhs flop I bet 1 call, 3rd heart on turn I bet they call, river they bet I call they have flush 69 .
3 tabled nl8 for hour +, didn't go well but picked up a couple of decent pots at the end to finish with a very small profit. Did turn a royal flush one hand but didn't get a big payout for it.
In Response to Re: ******NOVEMBER PROFIT CHALLENGE THREAD******* : Scored my first win in about a week in a £3.30 PLO8 and binked a 3rd in the PLO freeroll, so ended the day in profit. 2 cashes out of 8, daily balance +£9.85, MTD balance +£37.12. Posted by Giant811
Second good day in a row, for a while I flopped big and my hands held, always nice. Only 3 cashes but all were wins, 2 PLO bounty hunters and a £3.30 PLO8.
3 cashes out of 9, daily balance +£19.44, MTD balance +£56.56.
Terrible run in cash, that's the bad news - good news binked a 3rd in the mini primo for £180 ) Even then exit hand AIPF KKv55 - that's right oppo hit a set on the turn ) gg ,must not grumble Before that was this hand lol amazing game poker aye Run better all
Played a poor short session on nl4. Started badly when I misclick called an aipf with T9os, thankfully he was short. Went downhill from there, lost 2 hands when I'd flopped sets and AQ vs AK on an ace high flop. I was pretty frustrated by the time I packed up, and the old leak had re-appearred.
I've made a tidy profit for me over the last 4 weeks but it's coming from mtt's, cash is almost static. Seriously considering withdrawing the mtt profit for the kids Christmas presents and dropping back to a comfortable nl4 bankroll for a while.
very nasty saturday night down £6.07 was a lot worse before found a guy who liked his allin button if he hit any part of a flop. but the other tables they were hitting and I wasn't. seemed to be "I've got 2 cards same suit I'm staying in the hand" night. They kept hitting and when I was chasing flush I didn't.LOL!! Never mind - it was Saturday night, what did I expect!!
Always hate going into a session off a mega one like earlier as you're never gonna top it but tbh I'd have been happy with break even, luckily got just over that so I'll take it. Only one losing pot over 20bbs but quite a biggie, limp, limp I raise big w/AA, 2 calls I bet flop get snap called, turn brings Ac 3rd club I bet strong he calls, I shove brick river he calls w/flush
Start BR - £414.52
Session - £4.22
Current BR - £461.75
Points - 372
Session +£4.72
Good session tonight at nl8. Won 6 pots over £3 profit, only one big loss when my 4 x BB raise pre was called by K3s and the flop came K83r.
Session +£13.60
Month +£56.90
Points 139
0 cashes out of 2, daily balance -£8.80, MTD balance +£27.27.
quit straight after making a bad call against someone who i knew would never be bluffing.
ran pretty terrible in some spots but mostly bad play
+£543.99 for the month now
296 c4p so still on course for 1000.
Be lucky.
ended up £4.49
so for month up £15.04, points 596.
good luck
Anyway just 3 losing pots over 20bbs, 1st K9 in BB see free flop K high I bet 3 streets they have AA, 2nd KJ on btn 5x R get 2 flats, bet K83 2 diamonds flop, same turn, check Ace river IP they have AJdd, 3rd against same player who was in the GOD AWFUL PLAYER catorgory even more prestigious then DEAD MONEY NL8, 5x r pre w/AJ after 2 limps 1 call, cbet w/Ahigh called, A turn I bet again river brings flush so make comdedy 2bb bet they call wiv flopped str8
Overall going great now, have reached my highest ever BR since starting and just £17 from trying NL20 again
Start BR - £414.52
Session - £21.37
Current BR - £483.12
Points - 402
Also that's some crazy volume getting 2 points per 20 hands, well done.
2 "bad beats" - QQ v JJ aipf binked a J on river, QQ v 1010 v AK aipf A on river same guy.
way it goes, nothing unusual.
clawing back the losses from earlier in the week.
ended up £3.58, so for month up £18.62
points 621
good luck
C4P 894
Cheers Dude, some C4P are DYM's/MTT's but yeah might even crack 2000 this month.
Still only playing three tables on my laptop, could play six/eight on the pc but I think you lose the feel of the tables. Becomes very robotic - click - click - click
Yeah I am finding NL8 plays better than NL10 in general ) But fewer tables = table selection vital
I hate everything.(well maybe not everthing)
Do try to roll with the punch's but tonight i just feel like a punchbag.
£44.80 down.
336 c4p
Start BR - £414.52
Session - -£0.59
Current BR - £482.53
Points - 426
Haven't had a solid losing session in a while but tonight was a good knock on the head to remind what the feel like. 3 decent losing hands over £5, 1st very standard, KK 3bet in SB overcalled by shorty in BB w/A10 flop KQJ nh, next 10's raise from SB against shorty again, A107 flop I bet called, Ace turn I bet called shove K river they show A7
Bad overall but could easily have won all those major hands so can't really complain and still just about in profit for month so simply more plowing to be done.
Start BR - £414.52
Session - -£26.47
Current BR - £456.06
Points - 452
2 cashes out of 8, daily balance +£9.85, MTD balance +£37.12.
Devasting session, oppo always got there with there miracle gutshot on the turn after calling big 3 bets oop with 107, 97 , 68 etc... and then calling big flop bets. Every drunk rec player had my money tonight
Could not win a hand, A couple of hands played badly by me but just mostly horrible suck outs ;()
Every dog has there day
C4P 996
Switched to cash for a poor session at nl8. Hit nothing big at all, lost 2 1/2 BI's with probably half being bad luck and half being my playing badly. AK losing to 44 when the money went in on an ace high flop and getting four flushed on the river was probably the pick of the beats.
mtt's -£5.94
cash - £19.82
Month +£30.42
Actually dropped down to NL4 just to handle this bad spell ) See how I go, I am over rolled for NL8 but I know
how bad these runs can be
Start BR - £414.52
Session - -£17.81
Current BR - £438.25
Points - 496
Session +£1.72
Month +£32.14
points 192
+£486.15 for the month
3 cashes out of 9, daily balance +£19.44, MTD balance +£56.56.
C4P 1125
Terrible run in cash, that's the bad news - good news binked a 3rd in the mini primo for £180 )
Even then exit hand AIPF KKv55 - that's right oppo hit a set on the turn ) gg ,must not grumble
Before that was this hand lol amazing game poker aye
Run better all
I've made a tidy profit for me over the last 4 weeks but it's coming from mtt's, cash is almost static. Seriously considering withdrawing the mtt profit for the kids Christmas presents and dropping back to a comfortable nl4 bankroll for a while.
Session -£4.49
Month +£27.91
Points 201
was a lot worse before found a guy who liked his allin button if he hit any part of a flop.
but the other tables they were hitting and I wasn't. seemed to be "I've got 2 cards same suit I'm staying in the hand" night. They kept hitting and when I was chasing flush I didn't.LOL!!
Never mind - it was Saturday night, what did I expect!!
for the month up £12.55, points 697.
good luck
Start BR: £333
Been playing 6-handed 20,30 and a tad 40NL, 50 and 100NL on 10 handed tables.
Current BR: £465.82 (Have registered for DTD but assuming no cash)
Points: 1503--- Aiming for 3k this month which will be a new PB
Hoping to have £600 by the end of the month, then I will have a shot 4-tabling NL40 where the points really start rolling in.
GL to all