I am in the top ten of both the main and mini with a shot at the jackpot. Do i tighten up? loosen up? continue to nick blinds in position? Go all in with raggy ace when TommyD opens for the umpteenth time in a row? Posted by SoLack
No you lose a race, get your $$$ in bad and bink then go out to some slow roll!
When around the bubble should I open my play up a little try and bully the stacks that obv want to cash? (this is a given I assume) but what happens if you are card dead? Do you still try to steal? (or open pot, snap fold to raise a trick Solack taught me last night) How many times can you let the button open on your BB in a row without playing back at him?
When around the bubble should I open my play up a little try and bully the stacks that obv want to cash? (this is a given I assume) but what happens if you are card dead? Do you still try to steal? (or open pot, snap fold to raise a trick Solack taught me last night) How many times can you let the button open on your BB in a row without playing back at him?