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slow playing should never be done
just a little post i have been playing for 8 years now still learning the last thing i learnt aboiut my game is position i didnt realize how crucial this is to your game anyway im here to talk about getting paid when u hit a big flop basically never to SLOOOWWWWW PLAY i see this way to much on this site and get people moan when people get lucky on the river well no sympathy from me if u play the hand properly wouldnt let people see the river for free so its your own bad play that got u sucked out a freind of mine taught me u have to get paid on your best hands meaning bet every street flop turn river etc u dnt want to check because u miss a street of value only way i would check is if some 1 raised it big preflop and u call say with 10 j and flop comes down qka u know this flop is in range of the other guys preflop range so its ok to check here id even check raise but in general if im playing cash i do tend to like connectors so if i got 56 comes down 789 im betting flop turn river it doesnt bother me if villain folds the flop i want to get paid on each street i think this is the best way to play sorry for the long post but thoughts please hope i make sense
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There are good arguments for betting out with a monster, but you need some previous action to indicate this will be called
Also if you are betting made hands and non made hands on all flops then all is ok, balance isn't it guvnor !!
vice versa
If your bet is only getting called by a better hand, then why bet ?
Even sometimes I will bet 4 of a kind if was obvious pre flop I had a big pair. You will be suprised the amount of people think he won't bet 1 ace on that flop let alone 2.
But mostly as said I will check if I have the deck crippled and give them a free card. If the card is in their range then bet bet!