+£16(give or take pennies) for session. actually played a friendly sit and go o a full blown £20 profit from NL4, the volume is starting to pay of as i pass the 6500 hands mark.
8000 hands after starting and ive made £1.13 FML lol
However reads are getting strong, finding value much easier and note book is getting bigger. Would be level with greg but got set over setted and the hand in clinic aswell. Both worht a decent amount. kinda sucks, but As i said earlier i wont run bad forever.
8000 hands after starting and ive made £1.13 FML lol However reads are getting strong, finding value much easier and note book is getting bigger. Would be level with greg but got set over setted and the hand in clinic aswell. Both worht a decent amount. kinda sucks, but As i said earlier i wont run bad forever. Posted by The_Don90
£115 for me now. Had a sick session. Not only losing a 500BB pot with 4 outs to dodge id recovered to break even Then had this hand below right at the end.
played turn badly admitedly but this guy was constantly cold calling 3bets and donk leading throguh the streets could have been anything.
Im currently on £112.27 after a decent session, thought i was up more tbh but made 3 stupid mistakes and one strandard KK v Ax killed the margins. Tbh not disappointed tho. Went through my hand history and looked at hands that wherent bad beats and realised how badly id actually played em. Have made ajustments to my game but will take a while before they become automatic. I hope it comes sooner than later
Also noticed greg didnt update. hopefully he will tonight.
In Response to Re: Don v Hogg- December Bankroll Challenge! Game on! : U don't want to be wearing that gooners shirt mate, and I defo want to see Don in the hoops. Not much in it though. Posted by 67Bhoys
last time i spoke to greg he had £123 but was in all 3 DTD tournys at that point i dont know hw he finnished. In a way i hope he bubbled all 3 lol.
In Response to Re: Don v Hogg- December Bankroll Challenge! Game on! : last time i spoke to greg he had £123 but was in all 3 DTD tournys at that point i dont know hw he finnished. In a way i hope he bubbled all 3 lol. Posted by The_Don90
In Response to Re: Don v Hogg- December Bankroll Challenge! Game on! : Rubz! :P This is like watching 2 snails racing. Sort it out folks! Posted by DOHHHHHHH
I am quitting with pennies in my account literally.
The mistakes?
1. No structure to my plan. Had a storming start at NL8 and shoulda stayed there only. 2. Played many many hu hypers which im not profitable at anyway. Not a good time to try to beat them. 3. I ran really bad. Not an excuse, a fact. But i did not handle this well mentally at all and played bad consequently.
Will i do another challenge in future along similar lines? Yes, i will, and next time i will learn from my mistakes.
Im hoping people forget the forfeit as im not looking forward to it at all!
Anyway below is a few examples as to why i failed.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceAAMICK Small blind 200.00 200.00 8610.00 GREGHOGG Big blind 400.00 600.00 8412.50 Your hole cards 3 J cynontaff Call 400.00 1000.00 10240.00 longhair21 Fold tuncuy Fold marsh07 Fold AAMICK Call 200.00 1200.00 8410.00 GREGHOGG Check Flop A 2 3 AAMICK Bet 800.00 2000.00 7610.00 GREGHOGG Call 800.00 2800.00 7612.50 cynontaff Call 800.00 3600.00 9440.00 Turn 3 AAMICK Bet 800.00 4400.00 6810.00 GREGHOGG All-in 7612.50 12012.50 0.00 cynontaff Fold AAMICK All-in 6810.00 18822.50 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 2.50 18820.00 2.50 AAMICK Show 3 8 GREGHOGG Show 3 J River 8 AAMICK Win Full House, 3s and 8s 18820.00 18820.00
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 150.00 150.00 1470.00 ms-tree Big blind 300.00 450.00 675.00 Your hole cards A 5 poshcole Fold rp81 Fold GREGHOGG All-in 1470.00 1920.00 0.00 ms-tree All-in 675.00 2595.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 645.00 1950.00 645.00 GREGHOGG Show A 5 ms-tree Show 3 A Flop J Q 3 Turn Q River 9 ms-tree Win Two Pairs, Queens and 3s 1950.00 1950.00
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 20.00 20.00 2800.00 craig57 Big blind 40.00 60.00 10215.00 Your hole cards K A MAHJONG Call 40.00 100.00 1920.00 2chips666 Call 40.00 140.00 6685.00 pokerhon23 Raise 160.00 300.00 1615.00 newton10 Fold GREGHOGG All-in 2800.00 3100.00 0.00 craig57 Fold MAHJONG Fold 2chips666 Fold pokerhon23 All-in 1615.00 4715.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 1045.00 3670.00 1045.00 GREGHOGG Show K A pokerhon23 Show K Q Flop 7 Q 7 Turn 4 River 4 pokerhon23 Win Two Pairs, Queens and 7s 3670.00 3670.00
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 50.00 50.00 1340.00 sharpfangs Big blind 100.00 150.00 510.00 Your hole cards Q A GREGHOGG All-in 1340.00 1490.00 0.00 sharpfangs All-in 510.00 2000.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 780.00 1220.00 780.00 GREGHOGG Show Q A sharpfangs Show Q 10 Flop 4 6 8 Turn J River 9 sharpfangs Win Straight to the Queen 1220.00 1220.00 ActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 25.00 25.00 1545.00 KtDavid Big blind 50.00 75.00 380.00 Your hole cards Q A GREGHOGG All-in 1545.00 1620.00 0.00 KtDavid All-in 380.00 2000.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 1140.00 860.00 1140.00 GREGHOGG Show Q A KtDavid Show J Q Flop 9 J 7 Turn J River 3 KtDavid Win Three Jacks 860.00 860.00 PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind £0.04 £0.04 £9.78 Strider_78 Big blind £0.08 £0.12 £8.93 Your hole cards A A TheRat1 Call £0.08 £0.20 £3.30 rancid Fold TheRiver09 Call £0.08 £0.28 £6.27 pingu346 Fold GREGHOGG Raise £0.40 £0.68 £9.38 Strider_78 Fold TheRat1 Fold TheRiver09 Call £0.36 £1.04 £5.91 Flop 2 K 4 GREGHOGG Bet £0.78 £1.82 £8.60 TheRiver09 Raise £1.56 £3.38 £4.35 GREGHOGG All-in £8.60 £11.98 £0.00 TheRiver09 All-in £4.35 £16.33 £0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet £3.47 £12.86 £3.47 GREGHOGG Show A A TheRiver09 Show 2 K Turn 4 River 2 TheRiver09 Win Full House, 2s and Kings £11.89 £11.89 PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceTheRat1 Small blind £0.04 £0.04 £4.55 Jaypee61 Big blind £0.08 £0.12 £10.70 Your hole cards Q A shark11 Raise £0.16 £0.28 £4.26 GREGHOGG Raise £0.40 £0.68 £7.60 rancid Fold Daisy66 Call £0.40 £1.08 £8.57 TheRat1 Fold Jaypee61 Fold shark11 Call £0.24 £1.32 £4.02 Flop 10 A 6 shark11 Check GREGHOGG Bet £0.72 £2.04 £6.88 Daisy66 All-in £8.57 £10.61 £0.00 shark11 Fold GREGHOGG All-in £6.88 £17.49 £0.00 Daisy66 Unmatched bet £0.97 £16.52 £0.97 GREGHOGG Show Q A Daisy66 Show A 10 Turn 9 River 9 Daisy66 Win Two Pairs, Aces and 10s £15.28 £16.25 PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 20.00 20.00 520.00 Jurgen Big blind 40.00 60.00 420.00 Your hole cards 9 9 GREGHOGG All-in 520.00 580.00 0.00 Jurgen All-in 420.00 1000.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 80.00 920.00 80.00 GREGHOGG Show 9 9 Jurgen Show 8 8 Flop 5 2 K Turn 8 River K Jurgen Win Full House, 8s and Kings 920.00 920.00 ActionCardsAmountPotBalanceshotton11 Small blind 40.00 40.00 4525.00 GREGHOGG Big blind 80.00 120.00 1730.00 Your hole cards A A chissy2911 Fold OXBOWLER Call 80.00 200.00 2030.00 Bulldog01 Raise 160.00 360.00 6660.00 taylor8s Raise 320.00 680.00 1280.00 shotton11 Fold GREGHOGG All-in 1730.00 2410.00 0.00 OXBOWLER Fold Bulldog01 Fold taylor8s All-in 1280.00 3690.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 210.00 3480.00 210.00 GREGHOGG Show A A taylor8s Show K J Flop J 6 J Turn 8 River J taylor8s Win Four Jacks 3480.00
+£16(give or take pennies) for session. actually played a friendly sit and go o a full blown £20 profit from NL4, the volume is starting to pay of as i pass the 6500 hands mark.
However reads are getting strong, finding value much easier and note book is getting bigger. Would be level with greg but got set over setted and the hand in clinic aswell. Both worht a decent amount. kinda sucks, but As i said earlier i wont run bad forever.
played turn badly admitedly but this guy was constantly cold calling 3bets and donk leading throguh the streets could have been anything.
down to £108.88
Im currently on £112.27 after a decent session, thought i was up more tbh but made 3 stupid mistakes and one strandard KK v Ax killed the margins. Tbh not disappointed tho. Went through my hand history and looked at hands that wherent bad beats and realised how badly id actually played em. Have made ajustments to my game but will take a while before they become automatic. I hope it comes sooner than later
Also noticed greg didnt update. hopefully he will tonight.
Still happy with profits.
Not much in it though.
One Hundred and Twenty Three Pounds, 9 Pence
Near miss in tot
AQ done by A7 on the proper bubble
Dohhhhhh laughed
Br now 131.24
pretty shambolic really, but i hae a cunning plan
who will go broke first ?
this challenge has not had the desired affect yet. really am treading water.
got lots of work to do. think don's ahead now!! i really dont want to wear that red shirt!
BR 101.44
3.30 hyper hus are deadly
donked off another roll wp me
I knew all this was ur fkn fault
forgot about sit and dooohhhhhhssss
I am quitting with pennies in my account literally.
The mistakes?
1. No structure to my plan. Had a storming start at NL8 and shoulda stayed there only.
2. Played many many hu hypers which im not profitable at anyway. Not a good time to try to beat them.
3. I ran really bad. Not an excuse, a fact. But i did not handle this well mentally at all and played bad consequently.
Will i do another challenge in future along similar lines? Yes, i will, and next time i will learn from my mistakes.
Im hoping people forget the forfeit as im not looking forward to it at all!
Anyway below is a few examples as to why i failed.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceAAMICK Small blind 200.00 200.00 8610.00 GREGHOGG Big blind 400.00 600.00 8412.50 Your hole cards 3 J cynontaff Call 400.00 1000.00 10240.00 longhair21 Fold tuncuy Fold marsh07 Fold AAMICK Call 200.00 1200.00 8410.00 GREGHOGG Check Flop A 2 3 AAMICK Bet 800.00 2000.00 7610.00 GREGHOGG Call 800.00 2800.00 7612.50 cynontaff Call 800.00 3600.00 9440.00 Turn 3 AAMICK Bet 800.00 4400.00 6810.00 GREGHOGG All-in 7612.50 12012.50 0.00 cynontaff Fold AAMICK All-in 6810.00 18822.50 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 2.50 18820.00 2.50 AAMICK Show 3 8 GREGHOGG Show 3 J River 8 AAMICK Win Full House, 3s and 8s 18820.00 18820.00
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 150.00 150.00 1470.00 ms-tree Big blind 300.00 450.00 675.00 Your hole cards A 5 poshcole Fold rp81 Fold GREGHOGG All-in 1470.00 1920.00 0.00 ms-tree All-in 675.00 2595.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 645.00 1950.00 645.00 GREGHOGG Show A 5 ms-tree Show 3 A Flop J Q 3 Turn Q River 9 ms-tree Win Two Pairs, Queens and 3s 1950.00 1950.00
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 20.00 20.00 2800.00 craig57 Big blind 40.00 60.00 10215.00 Your hole cards K A MAHJONG Call 40.00 100.00 1920.00 2chips666 Call 40.00 140.00 6685.00 pokerhon23 Raise 160.00 300.00 1615.00 newton10 Fold GREGHOGG All-in 2800.00 3100.00 0.00 craig57 Fold MAHJONG Fold 2chips666 Fold pokerhon23 All-in 1615.00 4715.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 1045.00 3670.00 1045.00 GREGHOGG Show K A pokerhon23 Show K Q Flop 7 Q 7 Turn 4 River 4 pokerhon23 Win Two Pairs, Queens and 7s 3670.00 3670.00
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 50.00 50.00 1340.00 sharpfangs Big blind 100.00 150.00 510.00 Your hole cards Q A GREGHOGG All-in 1340.00 1490.00 0.00 sharpfangs All-in 510.00 2000.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 780.00 1220.00 780.00 GREGHOGG Show Q A sharpfangs Show Q 10 Flop 4 6 8 Turn J River 9 sharpfangs Win Straight to the Queen 1220.00 1220.00
ActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 25.00 25.00 1545.00 KtDavid Big blind 50.00 75.00 380.00 Your hole cards Q A GREGHOGG All-in 1545.00 1620.00 0.00 KtDavid All-in 380.00 2000.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 1140.00 860.00 1140.00 GREGHOGG Show Q A KtDavid Show J Q Flop 9 J 7 Turn J River 3 KtDavid Win Three Jacks 860.00 860.00
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind £0.04 £0.04 £9.78 Strider_78 Big blind £0.08 £0.12 £8.93 Your hole cards A A TheRat1 Call £0.08 £0.20 £3.30 rancid Fold TheRiver09 Call £0.08 £0.28 £6.27 pingu346 Fold GREGHOGG Raise £0.40 £0.68 £9.38 Strider_78 Fold TheRat1 Fold TheRiver09 Call £0.36 £1.04 £5.91 Flop 2 K 4 GREGHOGG Bet £0.78 £1.82 £8.60 TheRiver09 Raise £1.56 £3.38 £4.35 GREGHOGG All-in £8.60 £11.98 £0.00 TheRiver09 All-in £4.35 £16.33 £0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet £3.47 £12.86 £3.47 GREGHOGG Show A A TheRiver09 Show 2 K Turn 4 River 2 TheRiver09 Win Full House, 2s and Kings £11.89 £11.89
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceTheRat1 Small blind £0.04 £0.04 £4.55 Jaypee61 Big blind £0.08 £0.12 £10.70 Your hole cards Q A shark11 Raise £0.16 £0.28 £4.26 GREGHOGG Raise £0.40 £0.68 £7.60 rancid Fold Daisy66 Call £0.40 £1.08 £8.57 TheRat1 Fold Jaypee61 Fold shark11 Call £0.24 £1.32 £4.02 Flop 10 A 6 shark11 Check GREGHOGG Bet £0.72 £2.04 £6.88 Daisy66 All-in £8.57 £10.61 £0.00 shark11 Fold GREGHOGG All-in £6.88 £17.49 £0.00 Daisy66 Unmatched bet £0.97 £16.52 £0.97 GREGHOGG Show Q A Daisy66 Show A 10 Turn 9 River 9 Daisy66 Win Two Pairs, Aces and 10s £15.28 £16.25
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 20.00 20.00 520.00 Jurgen Big blind 40.00 60.00 420.00 Your hole cards 9 9 GREGHOGG All-in 520.00 580.00 0.00 Jurgen All-in 420.00 1000.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 80.00 920.00 80.00 GREGHOGG Show 9 9 Jurgen Show 8 8 Flop 5 2 K Turn 8 River K Jurgen Win Full House, 8s and Kings 920.00 920.00
ActionCardsAmountPotBalanceshotton11 Small blind 40.00 40.00 4525.00 GREGHOGG Big blind 80.00 120.00 1730.00 Your hole cards A A chissy2911 Fold OXBOWLER Call 80.00 200.00 2030.00 Bulldog01 Raise 160.00 360.00 6660.00 taylor8s Raise 320.00 680.00 1280.00 shotton11 Fold GREGHOGG All-in 1730.00 2410.00 0.00 OXBOWLER Fold Bulldog01 Fold taylor8s All-in 1280.00 3690.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 210.00 3480.00 210.00 GREGHOGG Show A A taylor8s Show K J Flop J 6 J Turn 8 River J taylor8s Win Four Jacks 3480.00
p.s cud be worse, you havent gone on national tv in a mankini yet lol.