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Just a couple of questions if anyone knows please:
Does the stats relate to only MTT's or cash or SNG's or a combination of 1,2 or all 3?
ROI percentage - I know ROI means "return on Investment" but what does this mean really, for example my ROI is showing at 44%. What does this specifically mean?
How is the ability score worked out?
Finally - somewhat unrelated but something I've been wondering for ages.
Cash game rake : If on River pot is say £10. I have £10 left & oppo has £1. If I shove is rake worked out on £11 or £2 (ie my £1 + oppos). If it is the full amount surely shoving is unadvisable if you have oppo covered. I know that rake has a max but at say 2/4p this IS relevant.
Thanks in advance peeps
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I beleive that Sharkscope does not use cash stats, only Mtt,s and DYMs, not sure whether MTT,s and Dyms are together or not
The rake is worked out on £2 as he doesn't have enough to cover your bet. The excess amount is returned to you before the hand is played.
its slow enough for $10 + but under that it seems to have filled up or changed by the time you reg
They average out all the ROIs from your individual games, which means yuo can have a positive ROI and still be a losing player
By regular ROI i mean Dividing you're Average profit by your average stake, which IMO is how it should be done.