I think it's fair to say Mr Orford and I are predominantly tournament players who occasionally "dabble" at the No Limit Hold'em cash tables.
Well, from now on, we're going to take real money ring games seriously, as we embark on a cash crusade.
Over the next four weeks, we'll give both ten-handed and six-handed tables a go...we'll weigh up the pros and cons of short-stacking...we'll get to grips with multi-tabling...and we'll assess which stakes we're most comfortable playing. All with a view to actually making a profit!
And we'd love it if you could join us on our crusade. Let's explore the minutiae of cash poker together. If you're a DYM/MTT/STT regular who's never played cash before, why not give it a go? And, crucially, let us know how you get on. Richard and I will be posting the findings of our respective investigations in this thread - and we hope you'll also provide your own reports.
Most of my research will be conducted on Monday evenings, while Richard will be frequenting the cash tables on Wednesdays. However, we both intend to experiment playing on different days of the week, at different times of day, to assess how the games change.
So, without further ado, what's the theme for Week 1...?
Good practice for having a good crack at cash this month!!!
Look forward to maybe playing on your tables at some point, but should imagine you play at slightly higher stakes than me lol
Don't worry about the level, I'll be playing various over the course of the month. On Wednesday night I'll probably kick off quite low and work up throughout the night.
I'll be experimenting with short and deep stacks and discovering which one works best for me. I suspect it'll be deep but there's only one way to find out. Watch this space.
Hope to see you on the tables, Mr.B. Come and say hello, and better still, come and pull up a chair!
Short or deep this week but next week, who knows?
I'm probably going to start with a set bankroll for December and see what i can do with it by playing various formats/levels.
It would be great if you guys can hop on board and set up your own challenges/reports/investigations so we nail this cash puppy once and for all!
Thank you Santa, i must have been good this year
Good luck Gentlemen.
The main difference between cash is that in cash you're ALWAYS deep but obviously that's not the case when you're short stacking.
So I think 40BBs is still way too big to be a re-shove stack pre. I think you still got a bit of time to maneuver and play some hands postflop before it gets to shove/fold territory
If you are short stacking I have this advice.
You are looking for two situations IMO.
1) A situation versus a Laggy opponent in a HU pot where you have a slightly above marginal hand and stronger. You want the LAG to bet into you and get themselves pot-stuck or so much invested that they will call your shove with a wide range of dubious strength just because of how little it is left to call. These spots will normally involve you or the villain in the blinds. Second pair is the effective nuts for you to shove over a C-Bet or flop donk lead.
2) (NB: This one applies more to 20-30 BB stacks rather than 40BB) A situation where you can get a preflop/flop shove called in 3+ spots and you have a a good multi-way hand. For instance, a raise from a serial raiser gets called in 2 spots, you're in the BB with 78s. This is a shove for me and I am hoping the original raiser doesn't ISO but does call to bring in everyone else. I'm shoving all pairs and all middle suited cons in this spot but I'm less likely to shove with junky unsuited broadway cards that are easily dominated (KJo is a fold).
Finally take raise/fold out of your playbook. It doesn't exist now. If you are going to C-Bet, probably just shove (or if you're OOP throw in the old C/R shove C-bet).
Hope some of this helps. I have looked at short stacking as a tactic but very rarely done it.
And I am sincere when I say good luck to both of you. Well, mostly.
At the very least, this thread should provide a springboard for an interesting on-air discussion about cash strategy.
Short stacking is two moves, pre flop and on the flop – good luck with that )
I would say it’s very similar to 15-25 bb MTT play, which would probably suit James style of play.
Deep stack (100-200bb) just allows more room for play and draws, plus a greater chance to win more.
I can see the sharks licking there lips !!!
btw is this your own money ?