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percentage on a withdraw when u win and how much u should keep on in your bankroll

edited December 2011 in Poker Chat
hi all i like to know what kind of percentage you take out when u have a win on a cash table or mtt i reguarly play mtts now and again dabble on 20nl upto 50 nl this has been my best 2 weeks from a deposit of £20 i managed to get upto £500 its not a brag i know alot of regular players can do this in 1 hand on high stakes cash table and regulars playing cash day in day out i usually make a deposit each week of only £20 just for fun really playing small buy in mtts and play cash 4 nl till i build my way up to 3 figures say 100 then i play 10nl i know i shouldnt because its 10 per cent of my bankroll but i do if i have still got money every 2 weeks on a friday i make a withdraw and keep a certain amount on the poker site to play with but how much to withdraw is the question because i still want to have a bankroll to play with at the mo i have been doing well i know this will come to an end soon as we cant win at poker every day right i do set myself targets when i make a deposit of £20 each week i like to turn it into a £100 by the friday then by the following friday £200 etc easier said then done tho right i always make a withdraw every 2 weeks dnt ask me y i should keep my money on there and build on it but i think its ineptible that i will have a bad swing thats why i alway make a withdraw i usually withdraw 75 per cent of what i win so i withdraw 375 left on 125 to play with my targets in future is to turn this into 500 by xmas any suggestions on what kind of games to play with such a small bankroll left is 10nl cash worth playing or small buy ins cash any help would be great 


  • edited December 2011
    UsernameGames PlayedAv. ProfitAv. StakeAv. ROITotal ProfitFormAbility /100NetworkFilter
    IDONKCALLU         360$4  $4  195%$1,419  -75SkyPoker

  • edited December 2011
    In Response to Re: percentage on a withdraw when u win and how much u should keep on in your bankroll:
    Username Games Played Av. Profit Av. Stake Av. ROI Total Profit Form Ability /100 Network Filter IDONKCALLU           360 $4   $4   195% $1,419   - 75 SkyPoker
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    jeez we had all the nice wins afew nites ago now we get yr scope lol
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to Re: percentage on a withdraw when u win and how much u should keep on in your bankroll:
     i dont think its that good can be better 
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    yr in profit &  just wanna show the world like u did wiv yr hand fest the other nite lol. u wanna look good end of
  • edited December 2011
    i dont dogcharlie im a small ball player who plays small limits  i know  there are alot of great players on sky poker that will laugh at my thread because they can earn what i do in a hour on a cash table im not boasting at all i just want to know what percentage would be  ok amountn to withdraw and should i stick to the small mtts and small cash or should i go up to the next level on cash but i think i may struggle against the good regular players on this site 

  • edited December 2011
    In Response to Re: percentage on a withdraw when u win and how much u should keep on in your bankroll:
    i dont dogcharlie im a small ball player who plays small limits  i know  there are alot of great players on sky poker that will laugh at my thread because they can earn what i do in a hour on a cash table im not boasting at all i just want to know what percentage would be  ok amountn to withdraw and should i stick to the small mtts and small cash or should i go up to the next level on cash but i think i may struggle against the good regular players on this site 
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    if u think ul struggle why ask wot u shud do lol. its a brag as u was playin quite high the other nite wen u put yr hands up on ere wen u won every1. every1 said u was braggin & yr tryin 2 brag now get over yrself go play heads up 5/10 & post hands then
  • edited December 2011
    im not even bragging this site is to post stuff and i get comments like this i want advice not criticism i do think i will struggle but sometimes you have to take a shot and to see if you can beat that level of cash if you cant i just stick to where i am now 
  • edited December 2011
    y would i brag over 500 quid its nothing people earn that a week at work a good regular on poker earns that in a hour on a cash table if u have nothing nice to say dog charlie dont say anything please 
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to Re: percentage on a withdraw when u win and how much u should keep on in your bankroll:
    im not even bragging this site is to post stuff and i get comments like this i want advice not criticism i do think i will struggle but sometimes you have to take a shot and to see if you can beat that level of cash if you cant i just stick to where i am now 
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    yr tryin 2 brag wiv scope & not the hands this time lol. yr up enjoy it jeez. aint replyin nomore its obvs yr on a brag by postin yr scope. get a grip or lay off the booze
  • edited December 2011
  • edited December 2011
    thanks sporny think i may just do that i play for fun and enjoy mtts mainly and try and sattelite in the main event most days as i havent got the bankroll to buy in direct :)  nothing better then a feeling when u run deep in a tourney 
  • edited December 2011
    I'm not bragging, but I am bloody marvelous, I can tell you!!!!
  • edited December 2011
    is it because im not a regular on this site or what if i was a well known pro writing this do you think you would be saying this na dnt think so ya would be saying yeah welldone keep it up some licking but i bet dnt people like other people winning what is the problem if i see some one put a post in saying they won 2k and say they want advice i gladly give them some i wouldnt be bitter about it 
  • edited December 2011
    My valuable advice would be to take enough out to treat a lady to champagne and/or shoes

    My non-valuable advice would be to not pick up the wrong end of the stick when sky folks are having a laugh, or don't give them any ammunition by doing mad things, like posting on the forum.
  • edited December 2011
    ps, when I'm having a laugh, I do not discriminate between regular professionals and small stakes players, and I deeply resent any such suggestion!--- I take the pee freely and without prejudice! so there!
  • edited December 2011
    Well Donk, I see you on here pretty regular, so that makes you a regular in my mind (you have made 569 posts). I think it's a combination of things really, one of which being terrible BRM. It's one thing to do it very rarely, but you can't possibly hope to play 10NL with £100 and make money long term (I assume that's what you want). This kind of BR will be fine while you're running good (or not bad) but as soon as you hit a downswing, its gone.

    Also, how many times can you say in 1 OP that 'this is not a brag' and then post your sharkscope lol, what relevance does this have in the slightest to your BRM question?
  • edited December 2011
    IMO---Anyone with a 75 ability rating has a sharkscope given right to post in a bragging fashion

    oynutter         3,089$1  $5  35%$4,577  -75
  • edited December 2011
    I play mtts on another site. Rarley withdraw in cash, i have ambitions.

    Anyways regarding the mtts, my sharkscope for that site looks as...
    UsernameGames PlayedAv. ProfitAv. StakeAv. ROITotal ProfitFormAbility /100NetworkFilter
    the_donscott294$5 $7 242%$1,434 -76XYZ Poker siteSch. Only x
    Ok its not letting me C&P

    So ill take the long route and type it out

    Username              Games Played      Av Stake    Av Profit      Av ROI%      Ability/100      Filter

    The_donscott                294                   $7            $5              $1434          76            sch only

    I havent played here much since black friday as i withdrew all of my roll for saftey and had a holiday with it. And because of the size of thr tournaments variance is majorly high. However when playing if i won more than $100 id withdraw 50% and leave in 50% this allowed me some spending money and allowed my to build my roll enough t cover the variance. Tbh i can often get a min cash but prizepools are top heavy.
  • edited December 2011
    p.s i have no idea what gone on above
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