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is it me or are the dyms getting harder to cash

edited December 2011 in Poker Chat
i find it harder to cash in dyms now nom crazy players splashing chips around early stages every 1 seem to be playing tight when i play in the dyms :( 


  • edited December 2011
    In Response to is it me or are the dyms getting harder to cash:
    i find it harder to cash in dyms now nom crazy players splashing chips around early stages every 1 seem to be playing tight when i play in the dyms :( 
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    seem same to me. what stakes ???
  • edited December 2011
    played last nite £3.30 doing ok 3600 chips all 6 in, picked up kk player on left called all in bout 1000 chips, i called he had 2- 7  off, flop turn river-he won stright to the nine.1-2 hands later had jj- rag ace called all in yep u gessed it ace on the turn i lost good nite. like how can u not go all in with hands like this?, or should i just sit and wait 4 the nuts?.... 
  • edited December 2011
    £5.50 and £3.30 1s 
  • edited December 2011
    don`t you love it when someone else does the work for you,

    Platatoes Small blind  50.00 50.00 1275.00
    daryl_shaw Big blind  100.00 150.00 4237.50
     Your hole cards
    • A
    • 8
    JWMWYFC Fold     
    cuttyc Call  100.00 250.00 2130.00
    spornybol Fold     
    Platatoes Raise  500.00 750.00 775.00
    daryl_shaw All-in  4237.50 4987.50 0.00
    cuttyc All-in  2130.00 7117.50 0.00
    Platatoes All-in  775.00 7892.50 0.00
    daryl_shaw Unmatched bet  2107.50 5785.00 2107.50
    Platatoes Show
    • J
    • J
    daryl_shaw Show
    • Q
    • Q
    cuttyc Show
    • Q
    • 5
    • 10
    • K
    • 7
    • 4
    • 10
    daryl_shaw Win Two Pairs, Queens and 10s 5785.00  7892.50
  • edited December 2011
    yeah thats the idea in duyms just sit back and let other people do all the work but not been happening lately been finding it a grind lol 
  • edited December 2011

      No probs here m8  played 13 at 5.50 last 2 days, cashed in 10.
  • edited December 2011
    not blowing my own trumpet that used to be standard for me used to cash 8 out of 10 most of the time  but lately seem to be bubbling alot :(
  • edited December 2011
    lolraise put it on another post, dyms are very swingy so probably on a bad run.on the other hand a certain "john conner" may have something to do with the standard rising as well.
  • edited December 2011
    Its gettin harder to cash because people shove any 2 pre on the button in the later stages, massive losing play for them, but when i call with ak and they turn over  j 5, im only gunna win 60 percent of time !    Need to play more volume to make proffit, still easily done though !!
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to Re: is it me or are the dyms getting harder to cash:
    Its gettin harder to cash because people shove any 2 pre on the button in the later stages, massive losing play for them, but when i call with ak and they turn over  j 5, im only gunna win 60 percent of time !    Need to play more volume to make proffit, still easily done though !!
    Posted by 1267
    how is it?
  • edited December 2011
    sshhhh. i just want people to believe this, so people stop doing it !

    On a serious note, some players just do it horribley, when there not short and theres no need to, and they shove on big stacks who will call lgiht  etc.. etc..
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