Good luck Barry, I hope it gets sorted soonest. I know it's easy to say, but do try not to worry until you get your results proper, your mood is important in fighting infections, so do try not to let it get you down too much.
I found that knowing there are lots of nice people on the forum that were virtually caring about me, was a great boost to my mental well being, everyone cheered me up loads ( except Orford, obviously ), and they will lift you too, so keep posting, and get well soon! gl matey!
Hi mate. I have had a similar problem to what you described but have had it for about 4 years. I know how debilitating it can be and demoralising too. My only tip would be to keep your chin up and try to stay positive. I know it sounds superficial and shallow, but it really helps to try to keep positive. I went through a patch where I was down and very angry all the time. I found that the more I tried to stay positive the more it worked. Good luck with your treatment and lets hope you get sorted soon. I am on to my 4th Consultant and have an appointment in the New Year so lets hope we are both back in top shape soon. Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
your on the right road baz,,,,same symptoms.... BUT YOUR FELLING BETTER..That's the key Barry lad, it's how you feel. I have a condition which i won't go into on this thread but it's like shaun84 said STAY POSITIVE. you rule your life don't let the condition rule your life .. PMA .. IT WORKS ... GL BAZ ..Regards Alan.
Hope all goes well.
Cranberry Juice!
Try It!
My ex was a nurse and she swore by it!
I found that knowing there are lots of nice people on the forum that were virtually caring about me, was a great boost to my mental well being, everyone cheered me up loads ( except Orford, obviously ), and they will lift you too, so keep posting, and get well soon! gl matey!