Watching this on Sky+, and for some reason, my dog goes berserk every time she hears "Macapaca" - She was fast asleep until you showed a hand where he/she folded K8o out of position, grr, lol.
In Response to Re: The Xmas Show with Rich, Carlo and Nik Persaud- Thursday 8pm AND NOW WITH ADDED AMAZING COMPETITION! ***official show thread*** : If you're going to brag Sporny! Why didn't you tell us you were the short stack early in Sunday's survivor and fought back from 650 chips? You're slipping! LOL Posted by DUNMIDOSH
Shhhhh, i`m savng that if i win it as i was doing a sunday roast while washing my bald haed with wash an go and keeping misses happy ( if ya now what i mean ). see us men can multi task.
machka... remember to email in your alias.
lol !