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Ive heard and read a lot on this site about poker softwhare!
Whats all the fuss about! Its so simple!
Take an emty some rotting brussle a pork chop in the compost heap for 3 hours, after that, had some black paint,(gloss) then get some second hand shoes(unwashed) place with 2 onz of mouse droppings in the barrell now add the slops from all the tea from the local cafe. When it starts to smell, take the skin from a dead ferret, soak in some 3 day red wine(dry) Once the bubbles start to appear, add all the contents to a cement mixer....rotate for several hours...This is the tricky bit!
The next thing to do is fire a beam of sodium light from an irridium chip at the contents, then await the miricle to happen!
Befor you very eyes, cards seem to appear from the substance you have just cooked up!
YOU HAVE JUST CREATED YOUR VERY OWN RNG....Now depending on how you mixed this ingredience greatly effects the stability of your RNG...
Now off you run and start ya own poker sites!
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