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£200+ NL Games on Sky
As a regular viewer of the Sky channel and microstakes fishcake on the site, I have a few questions regarding the higher stakes games on here.
I don't know exactly how many players are regulars in the £200+ games, but from what I have seen there seems to be the same group of 15 or so core players and a few additions from time to time. We all know who the regulars are, so no need to mention any names here.
From a casual observer there appears to be very little difference in skill levels between all the winning players in these games. One night LOL_Raise will be the big winner, then Roosiedog, Stien, beaneh, Launder, etc,etc,etc,etc. I can understand where the money comes from at the lower levels, but above £0.50/1 where does the money come from? From what I have seen it appears to circulate amongst these same core players? . At the microstakes, many new players are depositing and bad regulars ( like me, lol ) are re-depositing when needed. This explains the 'new' money that feeds the microstakes games, however most of the players listed above don't drop down below £0.50/1, so where do their profits come from?
I have played at various other sites and have viewed their equivalent stakes games $1/2 and above. Obviously on sites like Pokerstars and network sites the level of traffic is much higher. Even at $1/2 on some of the other sites many bad players frequent these games and provide 'food' for the winning players. On Sky, the players at £1/2 are mostly winning players who are very equal in skill level.
Do the higher stakes players on Sky also play on other sites or is it a case moving money between each other and picking up money from the cash for points?
I am not taking a shot at Sky, I am a fan of the site and want to build my bankroll on here in 2012. I am just curious :-)
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Doubt the' cash for points' really makes that much of a difference for these guys, just pocket change for LOL_RAISE lol
I wouldnt let it put you off playing these limits if your bankroll supports it and your confident enough.
even if a reg is better than another reg where does the weaker reg get there money from.
If no one is spending money there is no game.
Thanks for your answers. As the traffic is lower at the higher games on Sky, do you feel there is a case for the standard of play at the £1/2 levels and above being higher than some other sites? . As most of the players in these games are winning players, surely playing with other good players every time you sit at the table has to be a positive thing.
I have a friend who was a regular in FullTilts $2/4 games before the site disappeared. When he was looking for a new home, I suggested Sky. His feelings were there were not enough weak opponents at the higher games to make it worthwhile, he felt the overall standard was tough in the big games and poor at the lower levels.
What I have learnt from this thread? I need to get BF3.
On here Quadfather?
i've waited 2 years and never seen this guy play.