What is the leak?
Hands range all the time according to what position a player has at the table .
Many weaker cash players ignore this and get stacked unnecessarily.
Why is it a leak?
When you play against aggresive online players its very common to get all your chips in preflop.
Its always player -dependent to some extent but in late position (such as on the button versus the blinds or vica versa)
you can jam all in pre flop pretty light and expect it to be + EV.
My typical value range would be 9 9 A Q A K .
This is because there are fewer people to get through and a greater likelihood that people are stealing or three-betting light.
Thus allowing you to capitalise by four-betting or shoving lighter- in return if you jam with JJ in these situations and run into a bigger pair you havent done anything wrong you ve just been unfortunate to run into the top of your opponents range.
A major error that palyers constantly make is failing to adjust these standard all-in ranges when the seat positions are altered.
How to fix it?
Say you hold the same hand- pocket jacks- but this time you are in the cutoff and a player has raised under the gun.
Three-betting with the intention of getting all-in would now be a major mistake, unless there is a hyper-aggresive dynamic between the two players.
You are showing so much strength (but actually over-representing you hand) that he will likely fold all smaller pairs (or set mine)), while four betting hands that beat you and A-k betting betting four-bet here puts you in a terrible situation since foldiing you have wasted the value of a strong hand like J J.
I found this a good read and hope u do aswell from steve idonkcallu
It's probably good for some though, so sure they appreciate you copying it for them
Hi Mr Donk.
Can you "credit" or acknowledge your source for that Post, please.
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Tikay means something on your post to say its courtesy of pokerplayer mag
hope this is not classed as spam btw
Do as ryan/scotty says put in op Great cash advice from pokerplayer written by .... its a courteous thing!
In brief you need to put a line in your original post stating what mag it came from and who wrote it.
Such an example could be "Taken from Poker Daily by Billy Boggs"