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taking poker a little more seriously
Hi all, my name is Steve, let me tell u a litle bit about myself.
Well, where do i start? I have been playing poker for about 10 years now, I can't say I have improved my game but do learn new things each day. I used to work in a bookmakers back in 2003 - 2007 and I think this helps with my game like pot odds and implied odds etc.
I now work part time and earn my bit on the side playing poker, I want to take my game to the next level and be more dedicated to the game. I play on the site about 5 hours a day just grinding away and really was thinking making a deposit of 3 figures to start the ball rolling as my bankroll. The question is as im taking poker more serious now and dont want to be a recreational player any advice on what kind of games i should be playing?
I dont like playing dyms as i found them a lil robotic and boring and mtts i do like playing but the variance is so high could go without a win in ages any advice would be great?
Thanks Steve aka Idonkcallu
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Keep this one on topic please, banter is fine but this is getting too personal, the OP has asked a legitimate question and there are plenty of peeps here that can help him
Mod Hat on (Solar)
you have answered your own question, you say you don't like dyms as they are robotic, and you dislike the high variance that comes with MTT's... so you basically either want to play cash or husngs ?
Cash will be your best bet and if you want to make a living out of it then you need to be playing at the correct level.
So you need to be comfortably rolled for it and be able to beat it.
only just read your post.
i know exactly whet u mean about playing 4 n/l cash.
it,s where i have been TRYING to grind myself for 18 months or so,
also tried it at 10 n/l as well,
which is deffo a better level to play,
the downside though is bigger swings,
so u need to be carefull that your b/roll doesn,t get too low
or any losses start hurting you,
trust me....i know!.
just as a matter of fact,
(maybe of no interest to you,or anyone else 4 that matter,)
i,ve started playing dym,s
(which i think u either said ,
you didn,t enjoy,or found them robotic,)
well,i have won just over £200 playing them,
since 14th nov,2011
"just saying"
make of that what you will!
anyway Steve,
sure to see you at the tables somewhere,i expect!
good luck
and best wishes
Also, on the computer front... have a tidy up, remove useless unncessary programs that you don't use, most people have loads of things they installed and used once and never again, get rid. Then defrag your computer, should be able to just search for Disk Defragmenter in windows explorer. And definitely get Spybot (free download) if you haven't already got it because it's amazing how much a bit of spyware/malware and other junk can wreck the speed of your comp.
It is your money mate so you can do what you want with it and play at whatever level you choose,however i do agree with what scotty and Lambert say regarding this level.I have worked out that the secret is adapting my game to counter the players at this level is the way forward.
So far i have not found it easy the way Lambert describes but i will keep trying.all the best Steve and let us know how you are doing.
I see you really took on board your own advice about taking the game more seriously and MTTs being too high variance...
If you fall below 20 buy in's then you MUST step down a level or two
otherwise varaince will crush you or you just can't beat the level your playing