Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceTimal22Small blind 25.0025.001840.00rivermunkyBig blind 50.0075.002360.00 Your hole cardsKK adamw1nsFold RyanC7Fold TONY509Raise 250.00325.002395.00DELDAVEFold Timal22Fold rivermunkyRaise 800.001125.001560.00TONY509Call 600.001725.001795.00Flop 858 rivermunkyAll-in 1560.003285.000.00TONY509Call 1560.004845.00235.00rivermunkyShowKK TONY509ShowAK Turn 2 River 6 TONY509WinFlush to the Ace4845.00 5080.0
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