Just had the worst bad beat since i started playing, it was that bad that afterwards i just laughed about it for ages haha.
It wasn't on sky poker though, it was live in the pub league tonight, i will try and explain the hand as clearly as possible since obviously I can't copy and paste the hand history lol.
Blinds were 300,600 and I was in the big blind with AJo, utg+1 i think limps in for 600, folds round to me, i raise it to 2600, and he shoves all in, i can't remember how much it was but i was priced in to call, which i did reluctantly since i thought its a coin flip at best, but he turned over J10 suited. I flop the nuts, 10,Q,K and then the turn is a 10, and guess what the river was? Another 10 that gave him quads

Left me with just 200 chips, i went out the next hand to the very same guy lucky sod that he is hahaha :P
I can take bad beats and that, i know its part of poker so I laugh about them and move on really quickly but I felt I just had to post about this particular one since it's the worst one i've witnessed so far haha.
I just checked what % chance he had to win the hand outright after the flop, he's about a 42/1 underdog, that qualifies for a bad beat doesn't it? haha.
FWIW the worst bad beat possible is if you get it in on the flop and they have to hit 2 exact cards back to back to win so that's like 2in45 X 1in44 so the worst bad beat ever is 1in990. Someone correct me if I got this wrong.
I did this getting it in with top set against a smaller PP and the only way for them to win was runner runner quads... obv it came lol.
And ouch, top set against runner runner quads must have hurt lol.
However the hand subsequently runs out, the beat is only a 30% chance. His chances of hitting running Quads after you flop the nuts are part of his 30% chance.
I got the guy back who got runner runner quads against me last night anyway, rivered a full house against his trips so he said we are even now haha :P