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Posting too many hands, especially when they are beats.

Nice one Dave
Getting a bit tired of the constant posts from the same couple of players !


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    edited February 2013

    I thought it would be useful to post some guidelines on what should and shouldn't be posted in BBV. Here you go:

    Brags - when you win a super nice hand, hit a royal, make a soul read, etc. Do it with some explanation of the spot/situation and the hand will be so much more readable.

    Beats - this is not when your one pair gets called by a draw and he gets there. That's called poker. We are talking things like running set into set or getting most of your chips over the line a 93.6% favourite in an SPT semi vs Ace high with A-A and still losing (UL Giant).

    Variance - if you see some ridiculous run of hands, like getting dealt AA back to back three times etc.

    Seriously, this isn't just a section to vent and rant about one pair getting turned over. If you do feel the need to post that kind of hand (and I really, really don't think you should), at least keep them in one thread. 

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    edited February 2013
    Can we get this stickiest please dave/mods. 

    Hope this isn't aimed at me
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    edited February 2013
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    edited February 2013
    yeah ok this is kind of a moan but like you said its poker ! i got knocked out of the main event and mini tonight both with kk against a worse hand . in the mini it wasent just once i managed to lose the frst kk then manged to build my stack back up to a reasonable 8k then get kk some one shoves i call and worse hand wins again :( not all bad though i did get into both for 2 pound 80 pence :)
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    edited March 2013
    amazing how many times u get done on last card!! its the same everytime skypoker is getting a joke i play a lot live and it happens a fraction of the time sky poker does it all the time to make the hands look good!!
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    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: Posting too many hands, especially when they are beats.:
    amazing how many times u get done on last card!! its the same everytime skypoker is getting a joke i play a lot live and it happens a fraction of the time sky poker does it all the time to make the hands look good!!
    Posted by JAYSAFC21

    lol - sky dave's what to post in the forum thread gets hi-jacked by a what not to post in the forum post (if i've said that right)

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    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: Posting too many hands, especially when they are beats.:
    amazing how many times u get done on last card!! its the same everytime skypoker is getting a joke i play a lot live and it happens a fraction of the time sky poker does it all the time to make the hands look good!!
    Posted by JAYSAFC21
    yip its a complete joke the oddsand percentages on here are back to front when im 60% fav i win 40% of the time its a complete joke and its imposible to trap no matter what they have they catch up its like playing a fruit machine lol
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    edited April 2013
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    edited April 2013
    I don't post on the forum anymore. It used to be mainly full of light hearted banter but then it went to woe is me, 'look at the river card', 'look how this idiot played', ' this site is rigged etc.

    Please get a grip people.

    No you won't see as many of these bad beats live - 1) people play differently & 2) the number of hands you play will probably be far fewer than on line.

    The better players on here don't moan about bad beats and they don't play with a different pack of cards. Instead of moaning get a grip, look at your own game and improve it - then this site might get back to the way it used to be and not a moaners forum.

    Personal rant over

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    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Posting too many hands, especially when they are beats.:
    I don't post on the forum anymore. It used to be mainly full of light hearted banter but then it went to woe is me, 'look at the river card', 'look how this idiot played', ' this site is rigged etc. Please get a grip people. No you won't see as many of these bad beats live - 1) people play differently & 2) the number of hands you play will probably be far fewer than on line. The better players on here don't moan about bad beats and they don't play with a different pack of cards. Instead of moaning get a grip, look at your own game and improve it - then this site might get back to the way it used to be and not a moaners forum. Personal rant over Steve
    Posted by kalooki8
    +1 . Sick of seeing the same or very similar bad beats posted and if ppl are so convinced its fixed why would you carry on playing
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    edited May 2013
    I liked the top tip on sky about bad beats.

    If you are sick of getting your money in good and having some muppet call light and suck out.....

    Get your money in bad, you can only go up from there :-)


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    edited August 2013
    Perhaps then the mods might stop moving such posts from the "poker chat section" or are you asking people to post less altogether?
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    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: Posting too many hands, especially when they are beats.:
    Perhaps then the mods might stop moving such posts from the "poker chat section" or are you asking people to post less altogether?
    Posted by calcalfold
    There was some fruitcake a while ago who pretty much posted every single hand he lost in here.
    I think it was generally aimed at him
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    edited August 2013
    Ok fairplay Jac35
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    edited August 2013
    nice thread and true
    something that I saw in the chat box of one of my cash tables today said a very valid point.
    these so called rigged river cards are infact just one villians bad card but another villians good one.
    plus those that know poker will know that these chasers fish calling stations and maniacs are just the type of villians we all want.

    if these villians started to fold their draws  gutshots weak pairs and over cards. poker would get so boring.
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    edited September 2013

    Since setting up this thread has anything been done to stop the constant bad beat drivel we get on here?

    Perhaps a two strikes and you are out policy.

    2 posts about bad beats with no useful content (or insert any common whinge we get on here), 2 warnings then on the third time a weeks chat ban.
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    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Posting too many hands, especially when they are beats.:
    Sky Since setting up this thread has anything been done to stop the constant bad beat drivel we get on here? Perhaps a two strikes and you are out policy. 2 posts about bad beats with no useful content (or insert any common whinge we get on here), 2 warnings then on the third time a weeks chat ban.
    Posted by calcalfold
    Ridiculous notion.
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    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Posting too many hands, especially when they are beats.:
    In Response to Re: Posting too many hands, especially when they are beats. : Ridiculous notion.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    Well suggest an alternative then professor.

    Your always so fast to criticise something, but never actually suggest your viable alternative.

    Fat lot of use you would be in a life or death situation.

    No dont do that!

    What a silly idea

    No, I dont agree with that one

    What a stupid notion

    etc etc
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    edited September 2013
    Don't need an alternative, hence why I didn't suggest one.
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    edited September 2013
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    edited October 2013
    In Response to Posting too many hands, especially when they are beats.:
    Folks, I thought it would be useful to post some guidelines on what should and shouldn't be posted in BBV. Here you go: Brags - when you win a super nice hand, hit a royal, make a soul read, etc. Do it with some explanation of the spot/situation and the hand will be so much more readable. Beats - this is not when your one pair gets called by a draw and he gets there. That's called poker. We are talking things like running set into set or getting most of your chips over the line a 93.6% favourite in an SPT semi vs Ace high with A-A and still losing (UL Giant). Variance - if you see some ridiculous run of hands, like getting dealt AA back to back three times etc. Seriously, this isn't just a section to vent and rant about one pair getting turned over. If you do feel the need to post that kind of hand (and I really, really don't think you should), at least keep them in one thread.  Thanks, Dave
    Posted by Sky_Dave
      The other option is,just don't read them.
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    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Posting too many hands, especially when they are beats.:
    In Response to Re: Posting too many hands, especially when they are beats. : +1 . Sick of seeing the same or very similar bad beats posted and if ppl are so convinced its fixed why would you carry on playing
    Posted by MP33
    have too think to myself(and others have probably thought the same)after more than 3000 posts i am sure u have had your fair share of moans and groans!!??people post what they think is a bad hand on here for various reasons 1.just for the sake of venting..2.because they believe it really is a bad beat as they are still learning the game.3.posting it here will get advice from more experenced players and that way they gain experience  , is a bad beat and that is what this section is for!!!!!!!!!!! 5..the more bad beats posted here will show players how random the game of poker can be.thus way showing it is not rigged but as much a game of chance as skill.thats just my opinion !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    edited March 2014

    I've been analysing sky for more than 10,000 hands (MMT) and over 7,000 hands (cash games) to establish whether the dealt hole cards and bad beats are correlated with the accepted statistics of both random draw (hole cards) and likely win odds for sklansky group 1 dealt hole cards versus actual wins with group 1 cards (bad beats) on the site. 

    By new year's day (2013) - i had established a very significant sample of data which show a higher bad beat scenario than would be statsitcially viable. The difference was significant enough that winning with the sklansky group 1 cards when dealt could be considered equal to losing with the same cards. This can be considered an outlier in correlation terms. 

    In dealt hole cards, sky dealt so significantly lower valued cards and combinations of cards that their RNG could be questioned (over those sample data). 

    However, the situation suddenly changed on new year's day when i made the mistake of commenting on the flaws in the RNG algorithm during a tournament in the chat box to another player. Within 3 hands, and for the next 250 hands my data showed a complete reversal with a very very high average dealt hole card value and 100% hit on the board (even with group 2 cards). That's a 100% hit in 250 hands where every hand hit a match on the board. Also - there were zero bad beats for any of my hands. In the last hand of the tournament in heads up, my opponent's A high hand was bad beat by my K high hand. 

    I also played cash tables and heads up cash tables and had exactly the same high value dealt hole cards and zero bad beats. Almost as if a switch had been flicked. 

    I'm testing the data because I believe the algorithm they are using has a manual intervention capability or a skew to certain types of play/player. 

    I write algorithms for a living and I like to query the integrity of other algorithms. If a poker site like sky which is geared to maximum profit (7.5% and 10% rake which is actually very high comparatively) wants to make sure the algorithm contributes significantly to the profit them: 

    >> It must be close to random but it must favour the reckless play because this gets more money in the rake. 
    >> It must punish tight play and encourage loose play by restricting the hole card value to tight players thereby forcing them to be more aggressive with lower value cards. 
    >> It must have a high bad beat ratio because this encourages more inexperienced players to go all in with lesser cards thereby generating more rake, and kills good tight players because they don't contribute enough t 

    Does the sky poker algorithm do any of that? Not sure yet... If you were the boss of that poker site, and your salary was directly correlated to the profitability of the business - would you skew it? Probably not. Would anyone? 

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    edited March 2014
    To quote jdsallstar

    Si pies or should I say Kadz? lol

    Here's a review off poker scout from January 2013 see if you can spot the similarities:

    "I've been analysing sky for more than 10,000 hands (MMT) and over 7,000 hands (cash games) to establish whether the dealt hole cards and bad beats are correlated with the accepted statistics of both random draw (hole cards) and likely win odds for sklansky group 1 dealt hole cards versus actual wins with group 1 cards (bad beats) on the site. 

    By new year's day (2013) - i had established a very significant sample of data which show a higher bad beat scenario than would be statsitcially viable. The difference was significant enough that winning with the sklansky group 1 cards when dealt could be considered equal to losing with the same cards. This can be considered an outlier in correlation terms. 

    In dealt hole cards, sky dealt so significantly lower valued cards and combinations of cards that their RNG could be questioned (over those sample data). 

    However, the situation suddenly changed on new year's day when i made the mistake of commenting on the flaws in the RNG algorithm during a tournament in the chat box to another player. Within 3 hands, and for the next 250 hands my data showed a complete reversal with a very very high average dealt hole card value and 100% hit on the board (even with group 2 cards). That's a 100% hit in 250 hands where every hand hit a match on the board. Also - there were zero bad beats for any of my hands. In the last hand of the tournament in heads up, my opponent's A high hand was bad beat by my K high hand. 

    It's almost like it's word for word the same......oh wait it is! Plagarise much do you?!
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    edited July 2014
    In Response to Posting too many hands, especially when they are beats.:
    Folks, I thought it would be useful to post some guidelines on what should and shouldn't be posted in BBV. Here you go: Brags - when you win a super nice hand, hit a royal, make a soul read, etc. Do it with some explanation of the spot/situation and the hand will be so much more readable. Beats - this is not when your one pair gets called by a draw and he gets there. That's called poker. We are talking things like running set into set or getting most of your chips over the line a 93.6% favourite in an SPT semi vs Ace high with A-A and still losing (UL Giant). Variance - if you see some ridiculous run of hands, like getting dealt AA back to back three times etc. Seriously, this isn't just a section to vent and rant about one pair getting turned over. If you do feel the need to post that kind of hand (and I really, really don't think you should), at least keep them in one thread.  Thanks, Dave
    Posted by Sky_Dave
    if you see some ridiculous run of hands, like getting dealt AA back to back three times etc. Seriously, this isn't just a section to vent and rant about one pair getting turned over. If you do feel the need to post that kind of hand (and I really, really don't think you should
    well I think you should, far prefer reading someone being honest and writing what they think than some pc person full of self importance saying " well that's poker"
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    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Posting too many hands, especially when they are beats.:
    MAYBE YOU SHOULD LOOK INTO THIS THEN DAVE I've been analysing sky for more than 10,000 hands (MMT) and over 7,000 hands (cash games) to establish whether the dealt hole cards and bad beats are correlated with the accepted statistics of both random draw (hole cards) and likely win odds for sklansky group 1 dealt hole cards versus actual wins with group 1 cards (bad beats) on the site.  By new year's day (2013) - i had established a very significant sample of data which show a higher bad beat scenario than would be statsitcially viable. The difference was significant enough that winning with the sklansky group 1 cards when dealt could be considered equal to losing with the same cards. This can be considered an outlier in correlation terms.  In dealt hole cards, sky dealt so significantly lower valued cards and combinations of cards that their RNG could be questioned (over those sample data).  However, the situation suddenly changed on new year's day when i made the mistake of commenting on the flaws in the RNG algorithm during a tournament in the chat box to another player. Within 3 hands, and for the next 250 hands my data showed a complete reversal with a very very high average dealt hole card value and 100% hit on the board (even with group 2 cards). That's a 100% hit in 250 hands where every hand hit a match on the board. Also - there were zero bad beats for any of my hands. In the last hand of the tournament in heads up, my opponent's A high hand was bad beat by my K high hand.  I also played cash tables and heads up cash tables and had exactly the same high value dealt hole cards and zero bad beats. Almost as if a switch had been flicked.  I'm testing the data because I believe the algorithm they are using has a manual intervention capability or a skew to certain types of play/player.  I write algorithms for a living and I like to query the integrity of other algorithms. If a poker site like sky which is geared to maximum profit (7.5% and 10% rake which is actually very high comparatively) wants to make sure the algorithm contributes significantly to the profit them:  />> It must be close to random but it must favour the reckless play because this gets more money in the rake.  >> It must punish tight play and encourage loose play by restricting the hole card value to tight players thereby forcing them to be more aggressive with lower value cards.  >> It must have a high bad beat ratio because this encourages more inexperienced players to go all in with lesser cards thereby generating more rake, and kills good tight players because they don't contribute enough t  Does the sky poker algorithm do any of that? Not sure yet... If you were the boss of that poker site, and your salary was directly correlated to the profitability of the business - would you skew it? Probably not. Would anyone? 
    Posted by Si_Pies
    yawn !!! get a grip and write without the delusional self importance
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    edited August 2014
    Amazing how people don't remember how many times they got lucky..............

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    edited October 2014
    well not a good morning played 2 tourneys 1st had kk 3 allins aa kk qq worst hand won qq 4 to a flush next tourney aa up against kj off beaten by 4 to a flush horrible luck  
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    edited October 2014
    In Response to Re: Posting too many hands, especially when they are beats.:
    well not a good morning played 2 tourneys 1st had kk 3 allins aa kk qq worst hand won qq 4 to a flush next tourney aa up against kj off beaten by 4 to a flush horrible luck  
    Posted by jalupen101
    played 2 more tourneys kk busted by 10 10  aa busted by a flush think its time to call it a day look for a new site
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    edited October 2014
    Lose 4 hands and look for a new site?

    Good luck with that.
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