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Hand History #624042841 (12:12 19/02/2013)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancepixie919Small blind £0.20£0.20£47.05NODEALBig blind £0.40£0.60£60.62 Your hole cards76 PokerKingaFold dino1976Raise £1.20£1.80£36.58bolly580Call £1.20£3.00£38.80xCall £1.20£4.20£92.38pixie919Call £1.00£5.20£46.05NODEALFold Flop 297 pixie919Check dino1976Check bolly580Bet £3.20£8.40£35.60xCall £3.20£11.60£89.18pixie919Fold dino1976Fold Turn Q bolly580Bet £6.40£18.00£29.20xRaise £14.00£32.00£75.18bolly580Call £7.60£39.60£21.60River 9 bolly580?
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Like weak or strong on flop and improved or bluffed on turn
only worried about checked sets/QQ on flop and Q9
Is AKs ish hand ever a possiblity
probs lead