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Played in the posters freeroll tonight an learnt a very valuable lesson........
Had a real bad day at work, had a pupil bullied by a lorry driver and kept trying to intimidate her for nearly a mile today. Now being an ex class 1 driver, i know how these big trucks should be driven like. So we get to some traffic lights an i decide enough is enough an snapped! i get straight out the car and climb the steps to the cab an have it with a sheepish looking lorry driver an point out the error of his ways!!
Next pupil has a bus driver pull out on him as we were passing, obviously did not check his blind spot or mirrors before pulling out ..... missed the car by inches. Wait at the next bus stop to have a go at this idiot!! Last pupil of the day a driver who has been driving without a licence for the last 4 years is just not paying any attention to me so i have it with him and pass him onto another instructor forthwith.
Have been waiting for driving examiners jobs to become available, get home letter from DSA waiting for me saying there are jobs available, but in london!! no chuffin use to me as i live 73 miles away!! So had a real bad day come an play in posters freeroll in seething mood an still bubbling nicely!!! out in about 10 hands!!
Morale of this story - Don't play poker in a bad mood!!!
off to chillout for the evening, no poker, no forum just a bit of peace an quiet an restore some form of calm 
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Have a soothing night bud!
Get the electronic cig out and only give driving advice to those that pay you ;-0
You must have the patience of a saint to put up with all that during the day! You job has to be sooooo frustrating sometimes, all those bad inconsiderate drivers out there!
At least the Posters tournie didn't cost you anything!
Oh, and i had a really bad day at work too! And guess what i was out of the 22 deepstak very early today, trying a bluff which i wouldn't normally do!
So I completely agree it is essential to be in the right frame of mind to play this wonderful game we call poker
Hope you can relax for the rest of the evening m8 and that a job closer to home might come up for examiners soon, you never know!
I learnt that lesson so i divorced the wife
Must be in the wind, I played awful due to my mood.
Didnt even chat with anyone
Hope you're refreshed when you read this, after a night off.
Any chance you can get an examiners job up here in glasgow. My girlfriend is learning to drive just now, so it would be somewhat convenient if you could be in a position to provide a lenient examination
hope you have a better day 2morr hun.
The great thing about your story, is that despite having a really naff day, you RECOGNISED you weren't in the right frame of mind, played a freeroll and then logged off for the night. For a newbie, that's impressive. You can seriously damage your bankroll in that mood.
Tonight I feel tired, so I've just played a couple of dym's after being rivered by a 2 outer in the double stack, and not played any cash, as I'm not in the mood for the grind.
Tomorrow's another day...
I was surprised to see that you had gone out so early in the Posters free roll.
At least I know the reason now.
I hope you have had a quiet evening chilling out and will be back tomorrow ready to put the bad day behind you.
Well it was free......gud discipline logging off after though.
On the subject of discipline, I know on sky u can block ur account if ur tilting for 24 hours or whatever, is it possible to block levels on ur account.
e.g Put a block on my account to restrict me from playing tables above 25p/50p?
Cheerz DOHH
I wish you luck with your poker and getting that job you want and hopfully no more idiots on the road.
Much better day today!! back to chilled status
was only messin mate, from ramsgate myself