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What would you have done?
This was a hand in a 2p/4p cash table, and the original raiser pre flop i had already put him on AK/AA/KK kind of hand, so i liked the call with my hand if the right flop came, which it did this is the hand:
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceSkull853Small blind £0.02£0.02£2.57Dav56Big blind £0.04£0.06£5.03 Your hole cards78 TINTINRaise £0.20£0.26£3.97TLK65Fold spadajFold Skull853Call £0.18£0.44£2.39Dav56Call £0.16£0.60£4.87Flop 549 Skull853All-in £2.39£2.99£0.00Dav56Call £2.39£5.38£2.48TINTINAll-in £3.97£9.35£0.00Dav56Call £1.58£10.93£0.90Skull853ShowA9 Dav56Show78 TINTINShowKK Turn 3 River 5 TINTINWinTwo Pairs, Kings and 5s£10.11 £10.11
Should i have folded on the flop here? How would you have played it?
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Nice flop... until the massive overbet jam. You have a GS and an average FD. Even if he has 92o he's still a favourite.