I have always wanted to make a cold 4bet pre flop with absolute rags after i saw Faraz Jaka do it on TV in the EPT super highroller tournament i think it was, he did it with 9-2 offsuit (i think?) and ever since i have always wanted to try and pick the right spot to try it out, and it happened tonight playing live at my local pub.
I would never do it in the main game though, the one where we play for points in the league, the starting stacks are only 5,000 chips and the blinds start at 25/50 and go up rather quickly so i would be risking half of my stack doing it even in the very first blind level, it's just not worth the risk.
It was during the cash game after i had been knocked out of the main game i did it, this sort of game is brilliant for me, it is only a couple of quid to play and it is perfect for trying out new techniques and aggressive play etc as it is only for fun. I was on the button with queen 6 off suit, blinds were 25/50 (its a 4000 starting stack), utg raises to 150, mid position 3bets to 500 and i decide this is the perfect spot to cold 4bet since the guy who raised utg has been raising pre flop every hand, and the guy who 3bet is easy to bluff and i had a feeling he 3bet it because he knew the utg raiser was raising with any 2 cards every time, so i raised it up to 2100 and they both fold, it bloody worked, i couldn't believe it, i thought faraz jaka is the only person capable of doing it i love that guy now

The 3bettor had pocket jacks as well, when i showed him my bluff he wasn't happy to say the least :P but i bought him a drink to make up for it, so it ended all good

Anyone else ever did this before? And has it worked out for you?
Is it really worth it for 15xbbs tho?
Great table selection Dohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Basically this thread is just for anyone to show us their cold 4bets and if they worked or not haha.