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Is this a hideous bluff? Fold turn? Jam Pre? Bet Flop? - £5.75 B/HPlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesainthelenSmall blind 75.0075.001955.00imgonagetuBig blind 150.00225.002365.00 Your hole cardsJA TeribletezCall 150.00375.009253.00zilky159Fold olzeyCall 150.00525.005885.00sighcallRaise 575.001100.003115.00sainthelenFold imgonagetuFold TeribletezCall 425.001525.008828.00olzeyFold Flop 4510 TeribletezCheck sighcallCheck Turn 8 TeribletezBet 300.001825.008528.00sighcallCall 300.002125.002815.00River 9 TeribletezBet 450.002575.008078.00sighcallAll-in 2815.005390.000.00TeribletezCall 2365.007755.005713.00TeribletezShowK10 sighcallShowJA TeribletezWinPair of 10s7755.00 13468.00
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It's hideous that you don't c-bet imo.
The bluff is really bad imo from the way it's played, what value hands would you ever do the exact same thing with? You can bluff in BHs, but not like this!