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Help please! How should I play this?
I know the raise PF was small but I'd like some feedback
Hand History #638066059 (16:31 29/03/2013)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancenath28Small blind £0.02£0.02£3.73mccombie03Big blind £0.04£0.06£3.52 Your hole cardsAA slackaliceFold ameba126Call £0.04£0.10£2.50MountyyyFold DonohugeRaise £0.12£0.22£3.86nath28Fold mccombie03Call £0.08£0.30£3.44ameba126Call £0.08£0.38£2.42Flop 347 mccombie03Check ameba126Check DonohugeBet £0.29£0.67£3.57mccombie03Call £0.29£0.96£3.15ameba126Fold Turn J mccombie03Check DonohugeCheck River 10 mccombie03Bet £0.96£1.92£2.19DonohugeCall £0.96£2.88£2.61mccombie03Show89 DonohugeMuckAA mccombie03WinStraight to the Jack£2.66 £4.85
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