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I have been playing poker now for 6yrs on this site and others, i can cash in most tournaments but cant seen to go to the next level and actually win one, any tips.
I dont play for large anounts £10 max
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The problem is that it's so general a question. If you are cashing lots but winning few, it suggests you might be tightening up too much and sneaking into the cash as a shortstack.. Try playing a wider range of hands, more aggressively approaching the bubble. This is when other players will be getting a bit tighter so you can get more blind-steals through.
That's just very general advice and it may not even relate to your problem. The thing about MTT's is that it's really tough to win one. You have to get very lucky no matter how good you are and you won't win many. If you want to practice how to close tournaments out, I'd suggest playing lots of sit and go's. I mean the "regular" SNG's, not DYM's.
Well done on winning your first tourney.