No advertising/self deprication in this thread for once.
Couple of river spots v a winning reg @ the sky lower-mid stakes.
We have had a very aggressive dynamic going for maybe the last year or so , he knows my game vvv well. Which means he views me as loose, v spewy, and addicted to bluffing/trying to be a hero

Both reguarly get it in pre with like TT+ AQ+ for value, and even wider around the button/blinds.
He's been totally owning me the last month or so, has had the better of 'big on big' on quite a few occasions, im not sure if he's consciously tightened up his 'get it in pre' range, think it's more likely he's just had a better hand the times I've found JJ/AQ etc. But could be wrong.
Has allowed me to 'hang myself' a few times, haven't caught him bluffing in big pots v often, if at all. He's prob clever enough to have realised that trying to make me fold isn't the best idea.
So in the following hands, he can definitely be 'trapping more', 'calling wider', and 'value betting wider' than he would against most villains, and probably not bluffing too often.
fwiw he will have seen me overbet the river v regs with a balanced range of hands, from pure bluffs/missed draws, to thin value/merge type hands, to the absolute nuts. Aren't my reads just awesome

iirc, I've stacked him once in this session already, I 3b 89s and peeled a small 4b, flopped a fd and a gutshot, and c/c on QJx, got there on the turn and due to my spazzy image I bombed the scare card in to him.
Wudn't have mattered as he had a set so any line I take works.
I held.
First hand is from a HU game we'd been playing for quite a while trying to get a game going.
No significant hands really, think we were both playing quite straight forward.
Still probably more 3betting than ur avg HU game but nothing too crazy yet.
How to play the river?
If bet, how much?
And what do we do if raised?
Player | Action | Cards | Amount | Pot | Balance |
xxx | Small blind | | £0.15 | £0.15 | £29.55 |
DOHHHHHHH | Big blind | | £0.30 | £0.45 | £36.75 |
| Your hole cards | | | | |
xxx | Raise | | £0.75 | £1.20 | £28.80 |
DOHHHHHHH | Raise | | £2.70 | £3.90 | £34.05 |
xxx | Call | | £2.10 | £6.00 | £26.70 |
Flop |
| | | | | |
DOHHHHHHH | Bet | | £3.30 | £9.30 | £30.75 |
xxx | Call | | £3.30 | £12.60 | £23.40 |
Turn |
| | | | | |
DOHHHHHHH | Check | | | | |
xxx | Check | | | | |
River |
| | | | | |
DOHHHHHHH | ?????? | | ???? | | |
xxx |
Hand 2.
Thoughts on the c/c line ott?
Call or fold now?
Player | Action | Cards | Amount | Pot | Balance |
KKrippler | Small blind | | £0.15 | £0.15 | £32.10 |
DOHHHHHHH | Big blind | | £0.30 | £0.45 | £37.93 |
| Your hole cards | | | | |
fringe107 | Fold | | | | |
rancid | Fold | | | | |
hipshooter | Fold | | | | |
xxx | Raise | | £0.90 | £1.35 | £29.10 |
KKrippler | Fold | | | | |
DOHHHHHHH | Raise | | £3.00 | £4.35 | £34.93 |
xxx | Call | | £2.40 | £6.75 | £26.70 |
Flop |
| | | | | |
DOHHHHHHH | Bet | | £3.60 | £10.35 | £31.33 |
xxx | Call | | £3.60 | £13.95 | £23.10 |
Turn |
| | | | | |
DOHHHHHHH | Check | | | | |
xxx | Bet | | £7.00 | £20.95 | £16.10 |
DOHHHHHHH | Call | | £7.00 | £27.95 | £24.33 |
River |
| | | | | |
DOHHHHHHH | Check | | | | |
xxx | All-in | | £16.10 | £44.05 | £0.00 |
Hand 2 makes my head hurt. Given reads we know that he can make this move vs otehr regs with air or less than us but aginst Hero its probably a fold i think
Definitely should be betting the turn though, unless we think our opponent is the type to be scared of any flush draw when it hits (even heads-up) or if he thinks we are that type of player. Given your reads, those seem unilkely so just bet. You can definitely be called by worse hands and still have reasonable equity if he happens to have better (most of the time).
On the AJ hand, I'm not sure why we're checking the turn. If we're giving him the chance to bet after floating the flop, then I'm happy with that. I don't think we can call this bet and then fold a river that improves our hand, though. Only KQ has got there, so we call this river, no?