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Hand History #638958354 (21:07 31/03/2013)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceMELfeaAYRSmall blind 30.0030.004000.00doddlesBig blind 60.0090.002190.00 Your hole cardsKA jamest6Fold ghillieFold DonohugeRaise 240.00330.006535.00hhyftrftdrFold MELfeaAYRCall 210.00540.003790.00doddlesFold Flop 97K MELfeaAYRCheck DonohugeBet 360.00900.006175.00MELfeaAYRAll-in 3790.004690.000.00DonohugeCall 3430.008120.002745.00MELfeaAYRShowK9 DonohugeShowKA Turn 2 River 7 MELfeaAYRWinTwo Pairs, Kings and 9s8120.00 8120.00
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