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should i be getting away from this?
have no history agaisnt opponent and get dealt AA make standard raise didnt feel flop would hit him at all after the raise i made unless hes come along with a low pair, i think i should propably raise again on the turn but decide to just call it for abit of pot control if he has the 7, when the final 7 comes on the river theres no way in my mind he has a 7 in his hand so im happy to ship it all in.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceposh-boySmall blind25.0025.001170.00AshMoneyBig blind50.0075.003675.00 Your hole cardsAA xCall50.00125.001895.00RLT16Raise200.00325.001725.00spadmanxxFoldFASTCLIMBFoldposh-boyFoldAshMoneyFoldxCall150.00475.001745.00Flop 427 xBet50.00525.001695.00RLT16Raise481.251006.251243.75xCall431.251437.501263.75Turn 7 xBet50.001487.501213.75RLT16Call50.001537.501193.75River 7 xAll-in1213.752751.250.00RLT16All-in1193.753945.000.00xUnmatched bet20.003925.0020.00xShowJ7RLT16ShowAAxWinFour 7s3925.003945.00
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Impossible fold on the river, just unlucky.
Pre-flop is fine.
The flop-raise is a very nice sizing in my opinion but I don't think you actually thought about that. I think you just clicked one of the automatic sizing buttons to get this 481.25 sizing. I'm going to sound like beaneh now: I don't like the fact that you just used those buttons because it suggests you didn't consider why that size might be good.
As it is, this sizing sets you up perfectly to get the lot in with just one more bet because it leaves stacks at less than the size of the pot. It's also an amount that your opponent is likely to call if he has something but shouldn't narrow his range down to only very strong hands. If you decide upon your own bet sizing, you might consider these reasons when arriving at a number. When you use the automatic sizing buttons, you're doing just that: clicking buttons and hoping you happen upon a good size.
Now that disturbing experience of me likening myself to beaneh is over, let's talk about the turn:
When he donk-leads, are we weighting his range towards super-strong hands? If so, then the flat is good because we are getting great odds to hit our Ace on the river. If that's the case, would we be planning to fold to a shove on a blank river? If we're not making his range on the turn super-strong OR if we're not planning to fold a blank river, then I think we should just be shoving this turn: Let him call off his stack with his 66, 88, 99, etc before a high card hits on the river which might scare him into not paying us off.
The river is a beautiful card. Snap off his shove and be happy about it.
I wouldnt even see that i lost as i would be in the garden with my shirt off!
thankyou all makes alot of sense, i did use the butons on this occasion but only because i had just started multi tabling normally i only play one but had 3 open at the time so didnt have time to type in my bets like normal, ill get use to it