Villain is a well known donk

This is a MC table, just about to go on TV. I know he's pretty risk averse and nitty post flop, doesn't like playing big pots w/out a v strong hand, so 175xbb deep I thought I'd rep huge pre and maybe get him off JJ/QQ.
As well as loads of other stuff obv.
He still opens pretty wide from the button too, he's not a pre flop nit.
What's the best line otf?
I think he can still fold 99/TT/JJ maybe QQ here.
Do I check/jam, hence pot committing him with these kinda hands and losing any fold equity I might have?
But then he might check back and I prob end up getting it in bad on a load of blank turns?
I doubt he will bet anything other than overpairs if I check. He'll c/back AK/AQs type hands for example.
Bet small?
Open jam myself and gii/tid when I have tonnes of equity?
Think it's yet another 1 I made a mess of.
Player | Action | Cards | Amount | Pot | Balance |
DOHHHHHHH | Small blind | | £0.10 | £0.10 | £40.20 |
The_Don90 | Big blind | | £0.20 | £0.30 | £56.74 |
| Your hole cards | | | | |
UP | Fold | | | | |
bichasila | Fold | | | | |
IDONKCALLU | Raise | | £0.60 | £0.90 | £33.02 |
DOHHHHHHH | Raise | | £2.00 | £2.90 | £38.20 |
The_Don90 | Fold | | | | |
IDONKCALLU | Raise | | £4.60 | £7.50 | £28.42 |
DOHHHHHHH | Raise | | £8.20 | £15.70 | £30.00 |
IDONKCALLU | Call | | £5.10 | £20.80 | £23.32 |
Flop |
| | | | | |
C'mon Donald. what now, and why?
probs just shove
I cant see you taking it down on the flop that often tbh V donks range for flatting a 5bet but what ya gonna do now youve flopped the world with 96s
What i am trying to ask is, If we are going to be getting all the money in anyway is it better otf? when we have the best chance of making our hand on later streets and a small chance of getting the villian to fold.
You 5 bet bluff now just shove and semi bluff - seriously the flop is about as good as it gets when you 5 bet bluff )
What other hands are in your range when 5 bet pre and oppo flats pre - what are going to do on flop with these other hands other than shove - what are you doing with AK on this flop
The only reason to check would be for oppo to bluff, does oppo flat 5 bets to float to post ip
Don't think so unless oppo holds AK lol
just find the whole hand pretty standard
You say you rep big pre and what if the flop misses you, you going check give up right
also wouldn't even think about betting, shove or nothing -
because oppo range is weighted and they have flat pre then oppo will probbaly flat post
put's u in a world of pain on the turn and you end up spewing FD + 9 or 6 gets you there - stove it sure your a slight fav anyway
if oppo turns over AKcc then just loling
edit: just to follow on do you think oppo ever folds better to a shove
oppo has PSB, why would you not bet pot
Thing is is oppo really flatting pre to fold flop, surely they continue with top of range
By flatting the n5 bet oppo want's you to spew pot size on flop surely with your bluffs so why not do this with top of range
You can't bet £5 when oppo flats top of range you hate life at turn, you are flipping with a 5 bet bluff - plus given the fact that you may have a little FE - pretty std )
But anyway, IDK either but it's very slim that oppo going to be bluffing flops in a 5 bet pot because IDCU likes money surely
All down to what you think they flat 5 bet with, which is pretty lol to be doing anyway
Find it absurd that you would think oppo will flat a depolarised range anyway
Oppo should not be flatting anything but prems
Because oppo flats 5 bet pre, oppo will continue the same and flat you on the flop and put you in a horrible spot on the turn
Why is oppo flatting the 5 bet verus you, it can only be prem hand
To do it with anything else is just very bad
Is oppo very bad )
Oppo may flat a range that you either shove and fold better or oppo may fold worse AK/AQ that still holds equity on the flop
Really wouldnt' worry about folding out AK/AQ
really bugging me but you wouldn't flat pre and then shove over the top on the flop would you - that would be slightly icky
Let's face it, it's only a small part of range that oppo is going to bluff on flop
Also you want oppo to fold, so a shove is going to work as like you say a small bet is going to be called
fair to say when someone flats your 5 bet this deep, I wouldnt' worry so much about balance and optimum - but more what is correct given the silly spot you find yourself in
He obv thinks you're a nit and can get you off the hand unless you have a set preflop