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MASTER CASH - Make Your Play - ONE
As usual, three Questions this week, & the best (or most original/unusual/interesting) replies will be read out on the Show tonight.
Reply on this thread please, or e-mail in, the E-addy as per, is skyopen@bskyb.comThe questions this week are pretty straightforward, by design, because we want YOU to do some work, so the essence of these is not so much WHAT you do, as WHY you do it.
Right here we go go go......
6 handed, £3 £6, & everyone else gets out of the way, so we play this one Heads Up.
We are Hero, we are loosey-goosey, & we've shown a big bluffarooney in this orbit already in an £800 pot. Villain is TAG (= Tight-Aggressive) but he has the ability to dance a bit.
Villain (playing £1,060) opens from HiJack to £24.
We are on the Button (£1,195 behind) with 2d-2h, & we flat it. (= Call).
Here we go......
Villain leads for £36, & we pop it up to £115 with our flopped mini-set on a flushing floppy-woppy.
Villain gives it some dwellage, then Calls.
The turn is the 8d, so the flop & turn look like this now.....
Villain checks, we make it £175, Villain very quickly re-pops it up to £470, ooh-er.
a) Fold?
b) Call?
c) Jam?
Please use the Voting Options.
Vote now, but we'd like your reasoning - that's more important.
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Due to our image i think the opponant could be trying a move here to take the pot down on the turn. (possibly a semi bluff)
However, we still have a very strong hand on this board. so we have to jam it in and hope that he didnt flop a higher set (or turn it) 910 is v unlikely, but we cant rule it out...
On balance its a shove!
Absolutely no thinking involved here at all, I snap fold! Only Joking. Call as fast as I possibly can, the only thing Im worried about here is my internet or site going down! Im jamming all day long, if he's got me beat its hard lines. If I;m playing 22, flop a 2, then fold, then I shouldn't be playing 22!!
Easiest answer yet, JAM!
I suffer mild heart-attack and wonder why on earth im playing at this level!!!!
Gimme a hug
The opponent almost certainly isn't bluffing with complete air but we can't fold a set given our recent history.
Our opponent has reason to think that we aren't as strong as a set so he could easily make this move with a strong-ish hand that we are beating. He is pot committed as he has put almost 2/3 of his stack in the pot already so there is no point in just calling.
If we are behind on that board, we are just unlucky.
Judging by the paucity of the replies, I'm guessing that JaegerPlop & MereDonkey are both Orford-ites.
We've posted one each - how many do you want???
Well one is one more than victories Orford can lay claim to, so I'll settle for that.
PS - Will reply to your PM's soonest, I've not forgotten, it just slipped my memory.
Question:- Are these hands that have been played out for real or just made up for the show?
I elected to play 2 2 and hit the set on the flop. What more do you want?
I don't think the TAG player would raise with 9 10 and if he happens to have 8 8 then I still have outs.
I am 90% confident that I am ahead.
They are pulled from a variety of sources, Online, Live, here & elsewhere.
Next week may include some of my Live Hands from tomorrow at DTD. Assuming I play at least one.
In the words of Bob Marley..........."Im Jamming"
Poker players have a tendency to not believe the loosey goosey players who have shown bluffs. Its the part of the ego that makes it personal rather than rational. I therefore dont need to play this cute to get the maximum value. Im shoving and would be very surprised if i dont get a call.
Quote, "They are real, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Answer = "Dragnet" ..what? Oh I thought that was the question !
Poker answer, I don't know, makes me dizzy thinking of these cash limits, I get nose bleed or
a squeaky butty thinking of these altitudes .. where's the Malt whisky ..ahh right thats better, OK I'm ALL_IN ... however I'd have passed the 2's pre flop !!