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Say in the Casino in Manchester bored waiting for my mate so thought id tell you all about my beat...
£30 deepstack - 25k starting stack
Blinds 200/400 im in the big blind with pocket 7's everybody (8 players) limps in and its a table that everyone is calling pretty much every raise pre flop so i check... Flop A72 'Happy Days'

No draws on so i check praying for someone to bet but no one does
Turn card 8, so i bet 1800, guy instant re raises 10,000 so i shove thinking at best A8? Set of 8's

Maybe i should of raised pre then again on the flop and maybe he folds and he wouldnt have got to the turn thinking i had the A??
Anyway thats poker! So i bad to wish your mate would get donked so i can go home? lol
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