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is this a call on the river kinda butchered this hand if im being honest felt like i played it badly
just reviewing my hh from a sessio the other nite and this 1 stood out i remember i just sat down on this table and the opponent i won a big pot from on another table so had him on tilt how bad was i
villainSmall blind £0.50£0.50£182.49IDONKCALLUBig blind £1.00£1.50£99.00 Your hole cards8Q TonyMTFold jatesiFold morsey2025Fold villainRaise £2.50£4.00£179.99IDONKCALLUCall £2.00£6.00£97.00Flop K5Q villainBet £4.50£10.50£175.49IDONKCALLUCall £4.50£15.00£92.50Turn 5 villainBet £12.00£27.00£163.49IDONKCALLUCall £12.00£39.00£80.50River J villainBet £22.00£61.00£141.49IDONKCALLUCall £22.00£83.00£58.50
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What makes you think he is on tilt? Is it only that we lost a pot on another table. I don't think we can assume he is on tilt unless we know more about him or have extra evidence.
Even if he is on tilt, the 5 on the turn is just a bad card to double barrell, I think this is just a fold until we have more information.
Just cos you didn't win the hand, doesn't mean it's a bad call.
sarcasm sometimes get's lost in text )
seriously v some it can be a good call or I think a shove is way better if oppo can fold