Opponent is a newish reg, must be a winner, but that doesn't say much @ this level.
It seems like he's one of the few that can adapt, he must put more thought in to his game than most regs at this level, but again, that doesn't say much.
Have seen him play really tight in some sessions, I guess when the tables warrented that style of play. The tables in this session were more 'reggy' though and he was playing looser and mixing it up, which suggests he's a decent thinking player.
Previously he'd been playing straight forward pre flop in 3bet pots, folding quite often and 4betting the standard range of QQ+ and AK, it was rare to have him peel.
Opening reasonably standard ranges from all positions so I thought a 3b v a cutoff open here w/ 74s is fine.
Flop a pair which is nice, and lead out for value and protectionnnn.
Turn is a blank.
I don't see much value in betting again here out of position, I think it's a c/c or a c/f, I think he has some floats and flushdraws that he might stab turn with expecting me to have given up.
Obv a couple of overpairs w/ TT/JJ. Not sure if he bets those though as he's prob wa/wb when I check the turn.
Decide to call 1, is this a mistake?
River is a total blank again, and he sets me in.
It looks alot like I have ace king, I'm really tempted to call as I can obv beat all his bluffs, never taking this line w/ like 89s and I'm not sure he goes for stacks w/ TT/JJ either.
Don't think he set mines to 3bets w/ mini pairs when only 100xbb deep.
We looking @ 999, missed flushdraws, or total air?
Or am I being hopelessly optimistic and giving far too much credit again?
Usual image for me, he knows me well etc.
Player | Action | Cards | Amount | Pot | Balance |
EvilPingu | Small blind | | £0.15 | £0.15 | £27.60 |
DOHHHHHHH | Big blind | | £0.30 | £0.45 | £85.94 |
| Your hole cards | | | | |
rancid | Fold | | | | |
shawsok | Fold | | | | |
xxx | Raise | | £0.90 | £1.35 | £31.35 |
Lambert180 | Fold | | | | |
EvilPingu | Fold | | | | |
DOHHHHHHH | Raise | | £3.00 | £4.35 | £82.94 |
xxx | Call | | £2.40 | £6.75 | £28.95 |
Flop |
| | | | | |
DOHHHHHHH | Bet | | £3.60 | £10.35 | £79.34 |
xxx | Call | | £3.60 | £13.95 | £25.35 |
Turn |
| | | | | |
DOHHHHHHH | Check | | | | |
xxx | Bet | | £7.50 | £21.45 | £17.85 |
DOHHHHHHH | Call | | £7.50 | £28.95 | £71.84 |
River |
| | | | | |
DOHHHHHHH | Check | | | | |
xxx | All-in | | £17.85 | £46.80 | £0.00 |
DOHHHHHHH | | | ???? | | |
Opening reasonably standard ranges from all positions so I thought a 3b v a cutoff open here w/ 74s is fine."
barrel the turn imo.
would be tempted then to barrel that river card too as it's so perfect considering the reads you have on villain
as played fold the river - in a vacuum i dont think you'll be ahead of enough of the range we can assign to villain
You think this guy's good so might he not realise that you're 3-betting him with junk, out of position? Do you think it sounds like a good idea to play junky hands out of position in bloated pots against good players?

DOHHHHHHH, if you nit things up for a month or two you're going to absolutely clean up.
I think you've narrowed his range far to much. If you've been seen to do a few marginal call downs then he could be looking to bet two streets for value with a few hands. Also how many times do you check an 8x hand OOP on the river here? I can fully see the temptation to call on this board but do we have any evidence he can float? It's not the most common thing to see at 30nl. Personally I think one of his cards is the 8d here a fair amount.
Sigh fold or cape call, I probably prefer the former. It just looks like he has it and I would need some clear proof he was even capable of not having it.
watch out for them kings.
Bet flop for value right? Pair!
And I normally turn 2p, dno what was wrong w/ the rng here.
If I check it's hard to see how I can win the pot.
Work to do..............
What is oppo flatting range ip pre
You can win the pot by having the best hand + bluff catcher
given that we have to double barrel as range can also have FD's - how do you think this affects river
? />
still think a lot of this revolves around what we think oppo flatting range is pre
Posting mad laggy hands ftw.