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I have been playing poker for a year and would like take a step up and start building a bankroll. I want to start with a low bankroll playing low stakes but I don't know what strategy to apply so I don't bust and how much I should deposit to start with. I like to play cash games usually one table but would like to start playing multiple tables and mtts usually bounty hunters. Any advise would be welcome
Thank you ,craig
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what levels are you currently playing at atm?
how well have you been doing at those levels currently?
what number of tables do you think you would like to build up to?
as for the deposit, its best to think of it as what you can affored to, would it be a one off or would you have back up to re deposit?
your trying to build a BR out of money you can afford to lose, at least that's the best way to approach it.
Play 4nl only, so your playing 20 buy ins per level
its up to you what to deposit, just deposit what you feel comfortable with altho if you really want to give it a shot i would be looking at £50 just to start 2 tabling nl4, if you can afford more then go for it as it would give you some more options. thats 12 buyins which i think is enough for a start and doesnt put you under to much pressure if you drop a couple of buyins.
i'd stick to nl4 til you build up to 20 buyins for the nxt level, if your still only 2 tabling by then it is more than possible to take shots with less than the 20 buyin rule but whenever you you do take shots set aside 3 or 4 buyins for the shot. if you hit the ground running at the higher level then great, if you dont then theres not too much damage done to your roll and you should be able to rebuild at the lower level quite comfortably.
tournamnets are higher varience than cash and the buyin rule is generally greater but i couldnt tell you whats ideal. what i would say is stick to the £2 bh to start with, the £5 ones will eat up your roll quickly if you fail to cash in a few in a row which is more than possible. i would treat my self to a tourney of higher value if ive been doing well at the cash tables so you dont need to rule them out altogether.
the more you play the more you will find out yourself how tight or loose you can be with your bankroll. some prefer a more aggresive approach to moving thru the levels others are more nittier
good luck
If you're not a winning player, don't kid yourself that you are as no amount of good brm will make a losing player a winning one, get advice from the community, read some books, watch some training videos etc... always keep working on your game, as you go through the levels, the way the game is played will change and you need to be able to adapt to it.