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Englands chances in 2010

edited December 2009 in The Shed
Be honest all

i reckon semi's at least and if we make the final we will win

the only team im worried about is spain....


  • edited December 2009
    Think they will scrape through group stage then out the next round
  • edited December 2009
    As long as we don't meet Germany in the next round we could go far. If we meet Germany i worry about penalties!!
  • edited December 2009
    If Defoe could turn out to be the Michael Owen goalscorer we need, we can give ourselves a good chance

    Spain have a ridiculously good strike force and midfield and are clear favourites

    England will bottle it in the quarters/semis wherever we come up against a big team as usual

  • edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: Englands chances in 2010:
    If Defoe could turn out to be the Michael Owen goalscorer we need, we can give ourselves a good chance Spain have a ridiculously good strike force and midfield and are clear favourites England will bottle it in the quarters/semis wherever we come up against a big team as usual
    Posted by Hogg321
    I agree, Spain are clear favourites, since winning the Euros they've gained so much belief, if we met them along the way they'd rip us to shreds with their passing & movement. We'd just have to rely on our physical advantage, park the bus & hopefully get a couple at set-pieces. The expectation from fans & media will be a big burden & like you say we'll bottle it in the quarters/semis.
  • edited December 2009
    If in the next few months out of no where and english keep starts playing unbelievalby well then yes we would have a chance im just afraid that it wont happen and thats gonig to be our downfall.


    None of them arw world class and playing well enough, on form at the moment id give it to robinson but we all know how many mistakes he can make.
  • edited December 2009
    its all ways the same everbody has high hopes just for them to be dashed
  • edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: Englands chances in 2010:
    its all ways the same everbody has high hopes just for them to be dashed
    Posted by 1arnace
    No longer will we live in the shadows of 66

  • edited December 2009
    Lads the world cup is in the bag,, spain who, brazil who,, its coming home boys...... this side will win every game

    1.  JAMES
    2.  JOHNSON
    3.  COLE
    4.  TERRY
    6.  BARRY
    7.  COLE
    8.  GERRARD
    9.  LAMPS
  • edited December 2009

    Our midfield and strikers are as good as any team in the world cup.
    Our back five are average.
    The world's best will make them look very, very average.

    Only way we have a chance of winning is to play every game at premiership pace, not to let opponents have time on the ball and not to play down the middle all the time. The best teams in the world are far more prepared for that and for the long ball lobbed up front, than they are for crosses from the wing. We need players who can skip down the wing and bang crosses in all day. For that very reason, a certain Mr Joe Cole might be our most important player at the finals. Nobody doubts the ability of Rooney, Crouch and Defoe to score goals, but unless a striker gets the delivery he needs, we may as well play a wheelie bin up front.
    We have a chance of winning if we play a fast nasty premiership type game and get as many crosses in as we can. Deflections, own goals, a goal off Rooneys backside, penalties, they all count, it don't have to be pretty to win.
    I do know this much though, when it gets to knockout stages and a game enters the extra 30 minutes after the 90 minute draw, I'll be placing money on the England to lose via penalties option.

  • edited December 2009
    I dont think England will win it this time, I KNOW England will win it this time, im normally pesimistic and say we will reach the semi's or something but i think this time is our time to shine, great team + great manager + great support = one very nice shiny world cup trophy =)
  • edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: Englands chances in 2010:
    If in the next few months out of no where and english keep starts playing unbelievalby well then yes we would have a chance im just afraid that it wont happen and thats gonig to be our downfall. James Robinson Hart Kirkland Foster Green None of them arw world class and playing well enough, on form at the moment id give it to robinson but we all know how many mistakes he can make.
    Posted by 35suited
    Id go for :

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