Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
nice flop! shame about turn and river
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancerivermunkySmall blind 15.0015.001665.00MickGradyBig blind 30.0045.001830.00 Your hole cardsQK andsoitis7Call 30.0075.002160.00Lee_BoyFold LIONS62Raise 90.00165.002185.00_Debacle_Fold rivermunkyCall 75.00240.001590.00MickGradyFold andsoitis7Call 60.00300.002100.00Flop K6Q rivermunkyCheck andsoitis7Check LIONS62Bet 300.00600.001885.00rivermunkyAll-in 1590.002190.000.00andsoitis7Fold LIONS62Call 1290.003480.00595.00rivermunkyShowQK LIONS62ShowAA Turn A River A LIONS62WinFour Aces3480.00 4075.00
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