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THIS is a beat. I swear, if I see another coin-flip thread, or one more "omfg AK < AQ preflop sicksicksick", I'mma have to go cray-cray and perma-doomswitch a bi@tch.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceCELTICFANSmall blind £1.50£1.50£438.73SmitalostBig blind £3.00£4.50£823.96 Your hole cards1010 zingFold piglet69Fold icklefry10Call £3.00£7.50£114.81CELTICFANCall £1.50£9.00£437.23SmitalostRaise £12.00£21.00£811.96icklefry10All-in £114.81£135.81£0.00CELTICFANFold SmitalostCall £102.81£238.62£709.15SmitalostShow1010 icklefry10ShowK231%
V 69%
The Sickness
V 13%
The Tease
V 98%
The Brutality
2 icklefry10WinFour 2s£236.82yum yum
0 ·
AQ getting there v our AK is a worse beat than this
[x] />30% equity
[x] < 50xbb stack
[ ] Bad Beat
But yeah, just forgot to say how much I enjoyed these replies. ty fellas.