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Biggest Timed Tourney Win?
wow I just had by far my best timed tourney EVER
102 started, 24 cashed, it was a £5 thirty minute jobby
Janana289251£72.31 I was fairly happy with 19k but saw this lovely starting hand and came along with guy who limped utg this is how it went
I had Q10h board ran out 9s 2d Jh 4h 3h
guy had 9k to start, small bets flop and turn and the 2 opponents call, I set them all in with 7k pot size bet for the BBs 7k stack and he calls with 2 pair 94!!!!!!! That was nice
Im sure this has been beaten, I even remember RIch Orford having a similar luckbox event, does anyone know the biggest haul? guess record would have to be % of total starting chips
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