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Was just asking for advice in playing a 35bb stack deep in last nights dtd games.In dtd 1 im in the cut off with A 7 so i shoved the bb with 12bbs calls with J 5 and wins but was this correct play by him and me.
In the other game i only had 14 bbs so on the button i shoved with KJ and 88 called and won but i think i played that correctly .But not sure if i played above hand as correctly.I must say it was a fantastic tournament all for 5.50 very enjoyable even though i didnt cash.
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Obviuosly i lost 1/3 of my stack then i just could not find spots to push etc but all in all it was a good tournament and i still think i played it correctly.
Its not really your stack size you consider if there are lower ones behind you. The Eff stack size is whats involved. Even if the eff is 12 BB then A7 is correct to push for him BUT what about SB stack size. If his is bigger than BB but smaller than yours then this will be EFF ss to be used.
TBH with 35BB A7 on btn imo a raise is ok but thats all im doing if SB has say 15 BB as he may try to resteal and force you to fold imo. 35BB still has a lot of play and fold equity in it. You don't need to play desperate measures here.
The stack size of the remaining players in a pot is crucial in these situations as it really is a mathematical situation.
Kj is well within the range to shove on the btn and you were fine to push here as you need a double up but can still improve your stack by 10% with folds.