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Just had the most frustrating session ever
Unbelievable lol, i must have been dealt about over 50 pocket pairs and i flopped a set 5 times in a row, and about 10 times in total, each and every time i bet and no-one comes along, so frustrating

Same with my flopped flushes and straight aaaagh haha.
But to top it all off, one hand was the worst bad beat i've had in ages. I have AK, raise it to 15c, small blind shoves for around $1, i call. Flop comes K32. Brilliant flop, i think i've got the hand all wrapped up and then bam! runner runner 4 then 5 for a straight for him, less than 2% equity after that flop haha. Knew it was coming after the turn though, just gut instinct

Oh well haha, that's poker for you i guess :P
Anyone else had such a frustrating session like that?
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I mean, come on , 4 ffs. Instead of taklng the horrendous £1.20 loss on the chin, i had to fork out £299.99 for a new comp, ah well thats life.
I feel the pain for a $2 lost pot, dont think i`ve lost that much all in one go, you may require some kind of therapy after that.
I played the same amount of hands tonight and i didn't flop a set once, whereas last night i did 10+ times haha.
And percival, what is your problem? You're obviously taking the ****
In one night?
How come you play in $ not £
Haters gunna hate
Percivals gunna Perce
Whether he's just in what he does (lurking the forums preying on subjectively lol-able posts), I feel like a bit of intraspection wouldn't go a miss, sir.
Am I right in thinking you and I were involved in a thread in BBV a while back? Something to do with the RNG or something?
You're going to be an extremely miserable player if you post here when you lose, AND also when you win (however small they may be).
Have you lost 2/3 of your roll in a day, it singnifying your entire net worth? Could I go on to whine about how I've run worse than you?
Maybe. But the answer is probably a no. Do you know why?
Because losing 2/3 of your roll in 24hrs isn't just down to running bad. It's most likely me playing atrociously, and having shocking bankroll management to boot. It wasn't just lady luck that was pinning me down and ravaging my (albeit lovely lil') tushy, it was ultimately all my own doing.
I remember when all I had to my name was about £300, and it was all in my SkyPoker account, and yet again I'd just lost another buy-in at 100nl, QQ < KK pre.
Distraught and emotionally exhausted doesn't even come close. But after a day or two off, I finally realised something that I would've never seen otherwise. I was playing bad. Really bad. And i'm just talking about my pre-flop play here. I was getting in particular hands for 100bigs without even thinking about it. Just Auto-pilotting because I thought it was standard from my days grinding 200nl on PokerStars. But in actuality, getting in QQ vs some people is shocking, because there are some insanely nitty players that just wait for Aces. I didn't even realise at the time and mistook QQ < KK as a cooler, because that's all I knew. But REALLY, truthfully, it wasn't run-bad at all (which wasn't anything new to me, figuring stuff like this out, realising I wasn't running that bad in certain spots), and it was something that resinated with me forever as the moment I turned my poker life around. That little tiny moment where I questioned my own play, my own ability, stopped me from going broke and a getting a job. It turned my life around forever.
Spend less time posting here looking for sympathy, and more time working on your game, and then maybe you'll feel less need to post in here. (for more than 1 reason)
And also i think you've misunderstood me, i haven't complained or moaned one bit? All i was saying is that it was unbelievable to be dealt 50+ pocket pairs in one hour session, and flop a set 10+ times, and 5 times in a row. Same with flopped flushes and straights. I mean, i must have played maybe 150 hands in total, i can't remember exactly and at least 1/3 of them i flopped the nuts basically haha, all i am saying is that i have never seen anything like that before, and i posted this to ask everyone else if they have had a session like that.
The only reason i said it was frustrating was because i didn't get paid once when i hit, but i'm not bothered about that i know that is poker. I was laughing about it afterwards, i only lost £2 overall, it was just one of those sessions where i was running so good, but it was frustrating at the same time haha.
And that bad beat i posted losing with AK, i was almost 99% favourite to win after the flop, i mean it that doesn't qualify for a bad beat then what does? This place is called Brags Beats and Variance so this is where i post my Brags, my beats and variance topics. This is what it's for, right?
I honestly don't care that my AK got beat like that, or that i never got paid once when i flopped the nuts a million times, so i obviously can't be complaining or moaning about it lol. I just thought it would be a good thing to put on this, since it was just incredible.
I only post in here because i have nothing better to do really, i enjoy this forum, reading all the other topics in this section etc, maybe it's just me but i actually find most topics interesting.
If you want to engage the forum, title the thread as such, it's good for you. Don't make it too personal, and constantly ask questions of others. There's a big difference between 'stopping your trail of thought to let others have their say'... and 'listening, involving people in a genuinely rivetting discussion highlighting opposing views, bouncing ideas around for us all to learn and get better' (as players, socially, and as people too).
Instead of...
"I'm not getting action from sets of late. Familar, guys? :P"
(this one (your one) wasn't bad, just lacking some real meat)
... turn it into...
"Just had a stretch of about 10 sets with no action, HUH-BLUH! Mentality pretty tough to take obv, but any ideas on what I might be doing wrong? How do you guys play sets, and what's the largest period you've all gone without stacking someone with a set? Anyone got any cool set HHs to share?"
Boom. Winner winnaaaaaaaaaa!
EDIT @00:59: Your post wasn't bad at all btw, just tips and tricks to improve the forum. Nothing meant personally obv.