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Could/should i have got away from this
Hi guys
Well considering the call from the SB i felt that QQ+, AK would have raised pre so maybe oking at KQ, JJ AJ, JT, JTs and the dreaded QT. Once the rer came back i had a bad feeling and was pretty sure but felt i'd invested too much. It was going in. Now i still have 35% equityin the pot after the flop to catch the nut full house so the remainder should go in, shouldn't?. He'd played conservatively up to here with no bluffing and had a good hand but does this scream out QT to you and should i have folded at all in your opinion. I feel not but really i knew he had QT by the 5.5K raise. Bet sizes were bad (what would you do 2 1/2 times?) but it was going in.
Small blind 300.00300.0013273.75steelrod
Big blind 600.00900.0029485.00 Your hole cardsAA colthedogFold profman15Raise 1200.002100.0013675.00woody207Fold mytylyn
Call 900.004200.0012373.75steelrodFold Flop KAJ
Show10Q profman15ShowAA Turn 10 River 3
WinStraight to the Ace28947.50 28947.50
0 ·
He's probably happy getting it in with AK, AJ, JJ, KK, KJ (granted we have Ace blockers), maybe pr + draws, like AQ, big draws like QJss. The absolute worst case scenario is he's flopped a straight and even then we will make a FH about 1in4 times I think (maybe more often).
Its a deepsatck. Dont you think in the SB ,prob any position actually, KK and QQ and AK would have raised pre to isolate or win the pot pre as he is oop. Maybe even JJ tbh. i still cant help feeling ithat the only hands left that make sense to get ai are KQ, KJ, JJ and QT. The rer look like he wants action don't they.
With only 5.5k to put in, i'm 90% sure he has QT tbh but felt that my equity (35% so 1 in 3 actually) justified the pot odds. Is this correct?