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Hand History #662646139 (23:48 13/06/2013) only history i have with him is that he is a complete fish at nl50 so putting him on a hand is impossible.PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancexSmall blind 250.00250.0014057.50RevoTBig blind 500.00750.0020727.50 Your hole cards1010 THEROCK573Raise 1000.001750.0033403.00GanjagadgeCall 1000.002750.0027702.50StinkyBudsCall 1000.003750.0022074.00xCall 750.004500.0013307.50RevoTCall 500.005000.0020227.50Flop Q22 basty2010Check RevoTCheck THEROCK573Check GanjagadgeCheck StinkyBudsCheck Turn 8 Bet 1500.006500.0011807.50RevoTFold THEROCK573Call 1500.008000.0031903.00GanjagadgeFold StinkyBudsFold River 5 All-in 11807.5019807.500.00THEROCK573Fold Muck Win 8000.00 8000.00 Return 11807.500.0019807.50
0 ·
What's the thought behind min-raising pre-flop, 50BB+eff and only one player below 40BB? I think I'd still be making it 3x at this point but what were your thoughts?
Post-flop, I probably play it the same as you; calling the turn and folding the river. It's a weird line for your opponent to take and ought to be pretty polarised. The only logical reason for our opponent to bet the turn then bluff the river is with missed spades. They might be betting with air, I suppose, since we think they're not great. Can we really assume that a player like this isn't just overvaluing a Queen and, if not, is his range actually polarised by this bet?
Folding the river seems best.
Here I think we're still too deep to be min-raising and I wouldn't be making it any less than 2.5x. Below around 35BB-30BB I'd say min-raising was "standard". We're not going to be blind-stealing at 40BB+ as often as we are going to be raising for value because stealing the blinds isn't worth much. We're mainly looking to build a slightly bigger pot pre-flop to allow us to stack our opponent post-flop as well as creating a bigger pot to take down with a c-bet; Just the same as we would in a cash game against a 50BB stack.
It's a fairly pedantic issue regarding the stage at which we're making it 2.5x, 3x or whatever, but because it's "standard" is not a reason to be doing anything. We want to justify our action on the basis of why it's better than another action.
I'd say a good reason to be min-raising here would be that we've been stealing frequently because we've spotted particularly tight players in the blinds when we've been in late position. In that situation we're balancing when we min-raise with our value hands. However, in an average situation we're probably not going to be raising light too often here since the blinds boost our stack by less than 3% and we won't want to get in tricky spots with marginal hands through the streets, especially UTG.
If we're only raising value hands and we want to be able to easily stack our opponents post-flop or c-bet to take a bigger pot, obviously raising bigger is better. We're not committing ourselves with a 3x raise but we're making it easier to get value.
We mustn't allow ourselves to think, after min-raising or 3x'ing and seeing that we've been called by five opponents, that we should have raised bigger because we didn't want so many callers. If we feel it was the right raise-size with the information we had at the time, then it was right regardless of how it has worked out.
In actual fact, if they're all calling with weaker hands, technically we should be happy. It makes things super-high variance but we're getting money in ahead which is sort of what we want. I don't want 5 callers when I've got TT, mind you. lol
I don't agree that it is standard to min-raise with 40BB+ average and 50BB+eff. Even if it were considered "standard", that's not a good reason to do anything if we don't justify to ourselves the rationale for it being the best thing to do in this situation.
If we're only raising value hands and 3x is going to be called roughly as often as a min-raise, then 3x is better. When we're this deep I think we will be raising for value far more often than we're blind-stealing, so I think it's a little too early to be min-raising and 3x or 2.5x is better.
This small ball concept only applies when we're going to be playing lots of weaker or marginal pre-flop hands, looking to make big post-flop hands and stack our opponents, preferably in multi-way pots or when we know that our opponent must be strong. If we're doing that, then that is the reason for us making the min-raise, not that it's "standard".
If we're not doing that and are only playing decent value hands (not necessarily a very narrow range but reasonable broadway hands and pairs) from this position and we think that 3x and min-raises do the same job, then 3x just is better. It gets us more value.
We are going to agree that it's fine to min-raise if we're playing lots of hands.
I have to say it again, though, that we shouldn't be thinking "min-raising is standard at this blind level" but rather that min-raising is our "standard" with these stack sizes. I'm assuming that's what you mean but other people read these threads, so I want it to be clear. A lot of players just min-raise because the blinds hit 25/50... even if they're playing 10k stacks in the super roller.