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Player hadn't been getting out of line, what would you do on the turn? LARSON7 | Small blind | 75.00 | 75.00 | 12942.50 | |
longhair21 | Big blind | 150.00 | 225.00 | 3222.50 | |
Your hole cards |
| ||||
POKERTREV | Fold | ||||
HITMAN_RV | Fold | ||||
luvBWFC | Raise | 450.00 | 675.00 | 9665.00 | |
scwuffy54 | Fold | ||||
LARSON7 | Call | 375.00 | 1050.00 | 12567.50 | |
longhair21 | Fold | ||||
Flop | |||||
| |||||
LARSON7 | Check | ||||
luvBWFC | Bet | 525.00 | 1575.00 | 9140.00 | |
LARSON7 | Call | 525.00 | 2100.00 | 12042.50 | |
Turn | |||||
| |||||
LARSON7 | Check | ||||
luvBWFC | Bet | 2100.00 | 4200.00 | 7040.00 | |
LARSON7 | ?? |
Looks like i was crushed
I might also be more inclined to call when he bets pot on the turn. This means we have to pretty much call the river regardless.
He hadn't been agro, since the early levels.
My plan was to call down. But the pot bet on the turn is 2 big, pretty much looks like he is setting up to ship the river, and then i'm in a world of pain. Better to just get away on the turn, when i've not done 2 much.
When i call the flop, i'd call down reasonable sized bets. The only hand i'm really beating is Ace 10/ Bluff. Don't think he'd play ace 10 or 99s like this. The way he had been playing, i just got the feeing i was a mile behind.
I could have 3 bet it pre to about 1k, if i'm 4 bet i have to fold jacks in this spot. Maybe that would have been better. The only thing i'm beating is a bluff, and can't see him running a sick bluff here.
Why does he go half pot on the flop, to full pot on the turn? Because he's getting desperate
*or he has AA and is milking you dry.
Id personally re raise pre rather than call and id deffo re pop on the flop.
Hope you ran well.
If he had air then good luck to him
In Response to Re: DTD Game Tough Turn Decision:
Yeah looking back on it, i should have 3 bet it. If he 4 bets (in this spot) im folding.If he just calls, and donk bets the this flop, he's getting re-raised. If he check raises, the chips are going in. (on this flop)
I think if i 3 bet and am called, and he does have a hand, i'm getting my stack in here. I called as well, because i didn't really want to be playing a big pot with the other chip leader at the table.
I was doing quite well in this tournie, lost with QQs against 9j, all in on the flop, he had a gut shot and his straigh.
Left me with 10 bigs, moved table, in the BB with Ace 7 a guy shoved for a shortish stack, i called. Versus KK which left me 5 bigs lol knocked out 40th
Re River, if i call the turn bet, your only real bet is to ship it. If i call the turn then a 3/4 or pot bet on river only leaves me a couple of k behind, if i'm calling that i'm calling an all in. Your pot sized bet allowed me to get away from the hand.
I don't think he's betting pot on the turn as a bluff, it looks like a value bet. Secondly, it looks like he is setting it up to shove the river, or for me to reraise, it's a bet that asks me the question. Imo if he was bluffing he would be betting a lot less. If this was to be a pot sized bet (as a bluff) i really don't like the play, what does he do to a call or a reraise? For these reasons i don't think he is every bluffing here.
If it is a bluff, he has to know that a really high percentage of the time I am folding here. Against me, I don't think you can ever be certain of that.
In this hand, i didn't re-raise pre flop cause i'm out of position, and don't want to be playing an enflated pot with Jacks. There was certain reads involved here, based on having played at the table with the player for an hour or 2.
It is a good flop for Jacks. On the flop, check to the preflop raiser, he bets i just call (again i dont want to enflate the pot/ keep in his AK AQ hands. If i reraise it's hard for him to call with a worse hand outside of A10 K10, i doub't he'd be 3 xing with K10. Possibly Ace 10, but i didn't really think he had Ace 10.
I thought his range was quite strong QQ KK AA / AK/AQ maybe AJ, 99 10 JJ.
So i'm happy calling his flop bet to keep in the likes of AK AQ, if i reraise it's unlikely im getting called by a worse hand.
I did have pretty strong reads, i wont go into them. But basically, i look at how an opponent plays/ the situation/ position/ previous hands played by players at the table, bet sizing etc etc. I throw that all into come up with an answer.
When the pot sized bet went in, i narrowed the range to AA KK QQ to be fair that's what i was thinking (or a set), as i said above just got the feeling i was crushed after putting all the above together.
Man, I'm so out with my reads.