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would a check raise have give me more chance to bluff
It's the CO that limped btw. This is a fine hand to iso w/ imo, we do wanna avoid playing too many hands from the blinds but don't think we can just be super nitty in the blinds either.
Yet again, the same old thing everyone points out in ALL your hands... you have the betting lead and you give it up. What is the point of raising a limper if we're not gonna c-bet an a-high board?
Bet the flop. The whole hand makes no sense
You've decided to give up the lead when someone has just limp/called and we've flopped a FD, then you decide to just donk turn and river both with really small bets that are never gonna make any sort of showdown hand fold.
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It's hard to play flush draws for me.
If you call some will say you are being 2 passive, while people will say just reraise flop to build value for when we hit our flush.
Maybe bet the flop, continue with the pre lead aggression, you can win there and then move onto the next hand.
On the turn i would just check given our line on the flop. You bet 40p into over a pound. Less than half pot.
With this bet opponent is lnever going to believe you have the king.
River changes nothing, i would just check give up. If you had took a stronger line throughout, perhaps the bluff would get through on the river.
With bigger bets you can definitely represent a KQ/KJ style hand here. But you have to stop and think- is my player good enough to see that, and fold an A? At these stakes, quite often the answer is no.
Get barrelling. You'll get villain off it by the river
i must of had something happening on another table at the time this hand was played and caused me to forget that i was the original aggressor preflop. over the last couple of months c bets have been getting more regular and this board i would have been doing a cbet for sure.
i will just delete that first post because it was not played right at all.
when i miss flops i will still go for a cbet most times
Really? You cannot be serious, open raising q9 is fine.
Everything else agreed
part of why I probably went for the raise preflop with Q9s was the villain in the cut off just limped so all I could sense was he is set mining or just calling any two cards suited. basically you could say I was punishing the limper but I then messed up the play post flop by not doing the cbet which I should have did.