Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
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1000 Guaranteed Player Name |
Place |
Prize | Heads Taken | Head Value |
Chips |
Table |
| | Player NameW | PlaceW | PrizeW | Heads TakenW | Head ValueW | ChipsW | TableW | bennydip2 | 1 | £298.35 + 20 League Points | 442000 | | stubbs123 | 2 | £171.28 + 16 League Points | 0 | | welp | 3 | £116.03 + 14 League Points | 0 | | liamk | 4 | £88.40 + 12 League Points | 0 | | rancid | 5 | £77.35 | 0 | | Dooney | 6 | £66.30 + 8 League Points | 0 | | BIGNORM08 | 7 | £44.20 + 6 League Points | 0 | | MrKiten | 8 | £33.15 + 4 League Points | 0 | | robbo595 | 9 | £22.10 + 3 League Points | 0 | | BOUNCY497 | 10 | £11.05 + 2 League Points | 0 | | Pirate62 | 11 | £9.39 + 1 League Points | 0 | | msnaughty | 12 | £9.39 + 1 League Points | 0 | | Shep27 | 13 | £9.39 + 1 League Points | 0 | | DYLAN316 | 14 | £9.39 + 1 League Points | 0 | | peersy77 | 15 | £9.39 + 1 League Points | 0 | | mcwolf | 16 | £9.39 + 1 League Points | 0 | | rocky62 | 17 | £9.39 + 1 League Points | 0 | | kenniggts | 18 | £9.39 + 1 League Points | 0 | | CHEEZY67 | 19 | £9.39 + 1 League Points | 0 | | Sparks101 | 20 | £9.39 + 1 League Points | 0 | |
Great game , Very hard final table but brilliant play by the winner, a young man who will go far in the world of poker !!

Eye onthe Storm ..Favourite for next years English Greyhound Derby .. I'm on

Sadley this could be my last post as it seems *MOD1* has sent me a warning again about my threads and posts on the forum, with no explanation !!
All I can say is, I never at anytime abused, swore or took the pee out of any PLAYER , so you work it out ??
glk all .. Enjoy the festival period and a happy new year ... So as for the forum .. goodbye !!
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We are emailing with regard to your Sky Poker account.
We have noted that you have been misusing the Sky Poker Community. Please accept this email as a warning. If you continue to use the Community inappropriately by posting messages that contain any personal attacks, or abusive behaviour towards other players, you will be blocked and will no longer have the privilege of using this service
In the future please use the Community as it was intended; for friendly open discussion.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Kind Regards,
Sky Poker Mod 1
Customer Care Team
Sky MOD1 I NEVER abused any player on the forum or in the chat.. and you don't have the decency to explain !!
you would be sorely missed by a lot of people and I sincerely hope it gets sorted !
i have reviewed this and sent Benny a PM to resolve the situation.
all the best guys
i think, in a situation like this, I would send a reply to skymod1 along the lines of, as far as I was aware I had never been abusive/offensive to anyone, if someone found a post like this I made offensive, I appologise to them, and could a transcript of it be sent so a mistake like that couldnt be made again. But thats me
Many thanks for your PM .. Were all cool, chilled,
"Hey dudes, hes a top man that Rich," "I don't care what the others say about him,
he's OK in my book", "I like him, he has class" !!
OK lets play some poker !!
Nice 1 Benny, well done x
Nice win my navigator - I'm absolutely chuffed for ya :-) xxx
glk all TY