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any1 else think sky is rigged for certain players??????????
have u ever noticed how certain players continually win when they go all in???no matter what hands they have! certain players on here hardly ever lose all ins on here batticoe02 and most of the refugees who play on the site!! happens all the time that people go all in with nothing then the turn and river give them the hand,for instance flopped straight t-a 1 diamond on the board donk goes all in so call as cant be beat then hands get shown i have trips and straight too the ace they had all low cards and hit 2 diamonds on the turn and river and get flush ffs its a joke happens all the time too people like macacgirl,,battiecoeo2, and too many others too mention totally disgusted happens all the time on here seems like sky favours certain players,,,just like in tournements the amount of time the sitouts are forced all in and win the hand it is unbelievable on here complete and utter joke,, this is the only site i know that 95 per cent of the time river changes the winning hand,, like on hold em aa lose,s 7 out of 10 times,,,, seems like the players who go all in with the worst hand wins more than 90 percent of the hands ... i await the replys ..
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and thread closure
plus the rest of what you have wrote is utter nonsense
i'm hoping this is all in jest and hope you don't actually believe skypoker is rigged....
are you on medication sir?
If you cant deal with variance I suggest taking up noughts and crosses.... and always be sure to go first!
It's a good alias to start a thread like this. Well done.
sky poker is not rigged at all that is a FACT.
I have just been in a £11 and I managed to finished 13th in it but that tournament was the same one which had mrburns4 who I is a regular MTT but where did he finish outsize the prizes.
also how come I failed to win this hand against this villain who himself was shouting so often that the site is rigged
so many ironic chuckles @ preachy lolalias
[ ] - Well reasoned argument
[ ] - Post infers a logical and rational approach/PoV
[ ] - Post is void of conjecture/Objective claims have been made
[ ] - Sufficient evidence to back up beliefs
[ ] - Articulate and planned post, not rushed, calculated
Creedance to your claims, sir?
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babies would be immense!!
I should delete but I'll close as thread is subjective, no naming players though, that is wrong