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SHort stacked???

edited December 2009 in Poker Chat
Why is it on this website that whenever your short stacked you getbeat by appaulling hands, I think it stinks.


  • edited December 2009
    In Response to SHort stacked???:
    Why is it on this website that whenever your short stacked you getbeat by appaulling hands, I think it stinks.
    Posted by ace2105
    Wasn't the case for me in my last DYM poker game... came back from last place (6th) 130 chips to second place woop woop =]
  • edited December 2009
     You answered your own question. It is because you are shortstacked, if you had a bigger stack then you wouldnt get called by the appalling hands. The key is to push earlier rather than later when you have much more fold equity. If someone pushes into me with a very short stack i WILL call with 72o but with a medium stack i would tighten my calling range. Make sure you dont get so shortstacked to make a call with any two cards a viable option then you have less chance of being beaten by these bad hands
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