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AQs preflop when their is a possible head prize
who has a tiny chip stack? ur all roughly 50bbs deep. 3 betting anywhere between 1000 - 1200 is fine, and flatting is fine to in position. shipping it pre is crazy seen as ur not ging to get called by worse. id check raise that flop personally.
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the problem is when the board comes out like this because I just doing know what he had.
what I am wondering now is should I just ship it on the flop to basically steal the chips knowing that I have a strong hand.
but with preflop it is weather I should have raised it.
As played, raise the flop, get it in.
I don't mind the pre-flop action.
On the flop, I think people are mistakenly thinking that we're checking to the raiser when suggesting check-raising. In fact the pre-flop aggressor is the player in early position that has already checked. So I would be betting the flop when it comes to me as I don't want to see this checked through. I want to bet my equity now. If I'm raised, I'm getting it in. We definitely shouldn't be open-shoving the flop, though. As it is, I think checking the flop is probably a mistake.
Having checked the flop, I think we should be check-raising against the button. Stack-sizes dictate that it should be a check-shove.
On the turn, I think it's unlikely that we have any fold equity so getting it in would leave us needing 34% equity. We probably don't have that and so I wouldn't like getting it in. I don't think we can call off such a large proportion of our stack just hoping to hit the river. I think it's a fold on the turn as played.
Bet the flop, though.
How has BADBILL been playing? Id say in most cases a 3bet pre to about 1000 then bet the flop.
As played, bet the flop if checked to by raiser, if raiser bets Im shoving.