Seriously, whats with all these threads attacking "had enough" threads, I, for one, have had enough of it. Posted by LadyFingrs
+1 i myself have had enough of people attacking these had enough threads because they have had enough of far as im concerned ive had enough and enough is enough.dav
I for one have not had enough. Not only have I not had enough, I've never had enough. I've never had enough experience of enough to say I have had enough. But never having had enough I couldn't say when enough is enough. Then again not having enough experience of enough leaves me with more than enough experience of not having enough.
I for one have not had enough. Not only have I never had enough, I've never had enough experience of enough to to say I have had enough. But never having had enough I couldn't say when enough is enough. Then again not having the enough experience of enough leaves me with more than enough experience of not having enough. Posted by elsadog
welcome back m8 havnt seen you around for ages - thought youd had enough of us lool
I for one have not had enough. Not only have I not had enough, I've never had enough. I've never had enough experience of enough to to say I have had enough. But never having had enough I couldn't say when enough is enough. Then again not having the enough experience of enough leaves me with more than enough experience of not having enough. Posted by elsadog
lol my head is starting to hurt reading this one. Im not sure what Ive started here.
After reading all the above, the word "enough" is beginning to look weird to me, and like a word that doesnt exist. Anyone else get that sensation? Posted by Buistyboy
Common effect of repeatedly seeing the same word........I had to spellcheck it because the word just didn't look right when I'd finished.
In Response to Re: Enough; I've had it : Common effect of repeatedly seeing the same word........I had to spellcheck it because the word just didn't look right when I'd finished. Posted by elsadog
After reading all the above, the word "enough" is beginning to look weird to me, and like a word that doesnt exist. Anyone else get that sensation? Posted by Buistyboy
reminds me when i told my mate that all of the english dictionaries had decided to remove the word 'gullible' from its entries after objections from certain 'high placed' individuals - you can go and check if you like, its no longer their.
In Response to Re: Enough; I've had it : reminds me when i told my mate that all of the english dictionaries had decided to remove the word 'gullible' from its entries after objections from certain 'high placed' individuals - you can go and check if you like, its no longer their. Posted by loonytoons
In Response to Re: Enough; I've had it : Common effect of repeatedly seeing the same word........I had to spellcheck it because the word just didn't look right when I'd finished. Posted by elsadog
LOLOL this is sooo true, i was the same, just looked a ridiculous way to spell the word lolol
Did anyone else know that there are 9 different ways that the letters "ough" can be pronounced at the end of words in the English language? That's got to be en ough for anyone. Posted by MereNovice
Gold star for the first person who can show an example of all 9 ways.
In Response to Re: Enough; I've had it : Gold star for the first person who can show an example of all 9 ways. Posted by phil12uk
i will have a go but im thick lol
off as in cough uff as in rough oh as in though ow as in plough ock as in lough oo as in through raa as in thorough 2 to go i will edit as and when i think of them (silver star for effort?)
I've had just about enough of those whove had enough, you can't apologise enough for this kind of behaviour.
Lol, good thread.
This thread is giving me very bad memories of when an ex made me watch an absolute stinker starring Jennifer Lopez...
Can anyone guess what it was called??
Anyone else get that sensation?
Been busy elsewhere m8 but have been watching from afar
lol my head is starting to hurt reading this one. Im not sure what Ive started here.
NO,I would be far away in a land that time forgot having some kind of illegal
yet safe jolly good fun...(HOPEFULLY).
Common effect of repeatedly seeing the same word........I had to spellcheck it because the word just didn't look right when I'd finished.
Just wasted 15 secs of my life glancing over this thread!
Lets make a section dedicated to Hartsorn, I think his first name is Luke? from hearing him on the show once....
It will be funny!
He's a blade as well I think so that proves he has a sense of humour!!
P.S thanx for Billy Sharp
That's got to be enough for anyone.
off as in cough
uff as in rough
oh as in though
ow as in plough
ock as in lough
oo as in through
raa as in thorough
2 to go i will edit as and when i think of them (silver star for effort?)
edit* alhough not technically at the end of a word
enough is enough
is enough
icant go on no more now
i cant go on no
enough is enough
Is that enough?
P.S. Yes, sorry about "thought" - as you spotted Phil it's not at the end of the word.