I feel like I need to make a post about this, because so many players dont seem to think about this and it damages our wonderful game!
Please don't berate bad players or bad play, no matter how frustrating it is when it happens, no matter how much you want to tell them how much of an idiot they are and how bad their play was... here is why:
- Bad players are where all the money comes from... we want as many fishy players as possible dont we??
- Bad players are normally recreational players, playing for fun. Do you think they will find it fun if they get berated all the time?
The more bad play is berated, the less bad players will want to play and the tougher the game will become to beat. If anything, they should be encouraged! If a player calls off their entire stack on a gutshot and hits it, you should be glad there are players around that make -ev moves like that, even if it didnt work out for you this time.
I have to admit that I have done it in the past too, I'm not proud of it - but here is what I have found helps me to resist the urge to type profanities in a fit of rage against the stupid fish that got lucky...
-make a note on the player. sometimes it helps to type something, even if not in the chatbox.
-type "nh" in the chatbox, even if it really wasn't - encouraging the bad play
-feel happy that not only am i playing against a fish, but I have a note on him so that next time I play him and have forgotten all about it I can take advantage of their fishy tendancies.
DONT TAP ON THE FISHBOWL! be nice, and make them feel welcome so they can enjoy therselves while we take their money, and then come back for more

...Win- Win!
Seriously, I'd think of them as Mike* from up the road. Nice guy but a bit dim. I don't like to shout at Mike when he does something silly, because I know it's coming.
*There is no Mike. It's just an example.
Using the chat function in this way not only educates the bad players, but shows your own mental weakness.
this is a very good post you had did and reading it make it easy to relise how much importance they are if we going to get the chips.
I myself have did a lot of bragging in this forum when really I should consider it a hand that makes the bad players will do the poor calls more often.