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how to get the full chat panel up - I can only see a little chat box that is not very useful - and I cannot find any reference to it in options faq or whatever. we do neeed the full chat functionality.
cheers Sky_Joe
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If you are a web browser user then you can play around with the responsive design element of the new table software to display a much larger chat box
If you drag the table from the bottom right hand corner then you can manipulate the table to whatever kind of look you are after.
There are various different positions and formats that the table can mould into so take a bit of time finding the one that is right for you.
If you are a download user, then this feature is not supported right now, but we will be looking to introduce this in the near future - fully dependent on player feedback to tell us what is important to you.
If the above isn't an option then could you make them a different colour so that its easier to distinguish between them and the chat when the screens are minimised.
I have replied to your PM
The slow table load is something that we are very much aware of and are working on at the moment to correct.
I have also noted your views on the size of the dealer button. It would be interesting to see what other players think to this suggestion? It is certainly something that we could modify or alter, but we would need to see that other players are in agreeance that this button could do with been a little bigger?
Thanks a lot,
Thanks a lot for the feedback! How are you finding the new software aside from the chat box related issues?
Regarding the tournament advertising chat pop-ups, as you can imagine, this is something that is vital for the sustainability of our business and to help keep people aware of what is up and coming (as many people can lose the track of time when deeply involved with a big cash session)
I have taken on board your suggestion to make the pop up advertisements a different coloyr as this could help distinguish between different features.
I hope this answers your concerns and feedback and I would greatly appreciate any other thoughts you have on the new software.
Thanks a lot,
It takes up too much space when multi-tabling and just makes things harder to follow overall.
I understand that the chat is extremely important to recs and talking whilst playing is good for the games overall, but when i'm multi-tabling i'm not looking to chat and would really like the tables to be as clear as possible.
I think being able to minimize/remove the chat box in the options tab if you would like to should be considered.
I have had both tables new/old next to each other to compare and I think this is the main reason old mini view is easier to follow and more clear is because it uses the whole window.
If anyone else has any views on the chat box size in compact view then that would be great.
It's interesting that you suggest using the entire screen to fill the compact view as opposed to having some real estate used up for the chat box.
It is certainly something that we will look at and investigate and collate opinions further.
Do you have any further feedback for the new software?
Thanks a lot for your feedback,
And do we need the pictorial representation of cards when "xxx has won a hand with Three 8s"? Surely just the text is enough?
I have been using the download and miss the large chat area
I too think the dealer button is too small. It contributes to the problems I have been having following the action that I mention on the other thread